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Delivery Jobs
Figure 1. Job Shipment: Overview
In the Job Shipments, all the created jobs from the shipment section will be shown here.
2.4.1 Adding Trips and Canceling Job Shipments
Figure 2. Job Shipment: Adding, Printing and Canceling
Users are not allowed to edit the job shipments but are given the option to cancel job shipments instead to avoid confusion in the final sum of the product shipped.
This can be done by clicking on the “Add to Trip”, a list of features will then be displayed which includes “Printing”, and “Canceling Jobs”. By selecting “Canceling Jobs”, the blue button will be changed from “Add” to “Cancel”. Finally, the user will need to tick the box to select the jobs as shown in the red box above. Click the “Cancel” button to finish the process. A similar concept applies to Adding Trip.
2.4.2 Printing Job Shipments
Figure 3. Job Shipment: Adding, Printing and Canceling
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