Ecomsync - Doc Item Maintenance Applet : Create Bundle Item

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Ecomsync - Doc Item Maintenance Applet : Create Bundle Item

  1. Bundle Item - Two or more complementary products grouped together and sold as one set of items. Ie : Selling a laptop together with mouse, keyboard, headphone as 1 package.

  2. In marketplace, bundle item is considered as a single item since there is no ways that user able to specify what is the item consist of. Therefore, we will use the item code = marketplace seller sku/parent sku.

  3. To create a bundle item in marketplace , the user need to create a new item to specify the set of item that consider as one package (applicable to all user ; EMP and non-EMP).

  4. Step to add bundle item, refer guide Doc Item Maintenance applet:
    i. Click on the '+' icon in the Items menu. Create item tab will be appeared.

ii. Fill up all the required information to create a bundle item and click create once done .

Item code - once item code is created it cannot be edited.

Item name - Item Name can be edited at any time

Item type - bundle Item

Sub Item Type - Basic Quantity/ Batch Number/Serial Number

Base UOM - Pcs/kg/gram/cm

Description - not compulsory

Currency - compulsory

iii. Once all required fields are fill up user can press on CREATE, so the item will be saved into database and
can be proceed to be edited.

iv. In edit item page , user need to go to ‘bundle config’ tab to add the child for the bundle item .

v. Click on '+' button and select which item to be included in this bundle item . It can only consist of basic item .

vi. Tick the items by multiple select and click add.

vii. Once item added, you may click on the item to remove it or update the ratio of the item units . Ratio refer to the quantity of item (ie : 2 eggs selling as a bundle. The ratio will be 2) .

viii. After done , click save.

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