Generation of GST Audit File (GAF)

Generation of GST Audit File (GAF)

Menu Path: Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > GST Audit File

Note: Please click here to find out updated information about Generation of GST Audit File (GAF)

1. Explanations

Businesses do not need to submit GAF file as part of the monthly filing to Royal Custom. However, Royal Custom may request for this file for audit purpose.

To generate GAF file, you will need to first do Input and Output Tax Filing. Thus, only filed transactions will appear in the GAF file.

GAF file is split into the below sections :

Record TypeSectionTypes of Transactions
PPurchasesSupplier Invoice, Supplier Credit Memo, Payment Voucher
SSupplyCustomer Invoice, Customer Credit Memo, Receipt

Details shown for each of the sections :

Record TypeElement #Element NameData TypeComments
C1Record IdentifierANalways 'C'
C2Company NameANThe name of the company for which this file is reporting on.
C3Company BRNANBusiness registration number for company
C4Company GST numberANCompany’s GST Number
C5Period StartDATEFiling Period Start Date in dd/MM/yyyy format
C6Period EndDATEFiling Period End Date in dd/MM/yyyy format
C7File Creation DateDATEThe date the file is created in dd/MM/yyyy format
C8Product VersionANWaveletEMPv2.10
C9GAF SoftwareANGAFv1
Record TypeElement #Element NameData TypeComments
P1Record IdentifierANAlways 'P'
P2Supplier NameANName for supplier.
P3Supplier BRNANBRN for company from which purchase was made.
P4Invoice DateDATEInvoice Date. Format dd/MM/yyyy
P5Invoice NoANInvoice Number
P6Import Declaration NumberAN
P7Line NumberANLine number
P8Product DescriptionANDescription for what was purchased
P9Purchase Value (in MYR)CExample: 14901.20
P10Purchase Value GST AmountCExample: 894.07
P11Tax CodeANExample: TX
P12Foreign Currency CodeANExample: USD
P13Purchase Foreign Currency AmountC1000.00
P14Purchase Currency Purchase Amount GSTC60.00
Record TypeElement #Element NameData TypeComments
S1Record IdentifierANAlways 'S'
S2Customer NameANName of customer.
S3Customer IDANBRN for customer.
S4Invoice DateDATEInvoice Date
S5Invoice NoANInvoice Number
S6Line NumberANLine number
S7Product DescriptionANDescription for what was sold
S8Sales Value (in MYR)CExample: 14901.20
S9Sales Value GST AmountCExample: 894.07
S10Tax CodeANExample: SR
S11Foreign Currency CodeANExample: USD
S12Sales Foreign Currency AmountC1000.00
S13Sales Currency Purchase Amount GSTC60.00
Record TypeElement #Element NameData TypeComments
L1Record IdentifierANAlways 'L'
L2Transaction DateDATEFormat: dd/MM/yyyy
L3Account IDANThe GL Code PKID
L4Account NameANThe GL Code Name
L5Transaction DescriptionANTransaction Description
L6NameANName of entity involved (if applicable)
L7Transaction IDANTransaction ID
L8Source Document IDANSource document number to which line relates
L9Source TypeANRefers to type of transaction such as AR
L10DebitCDebit Amount. For Example 540.04"
L11CreditCCredit amount. For Example 120.00
L12BalanceCThe GL Code Balance
Record TypeElement #Element NameData TypeComments
F1Record IdentifierANAlways 'F'
F2Purchase CountNNumber of P records
F3Purchase Amount SumCSum of all purchases
F4Purchase GST Amount GSTCSum of all GST on purchases
F5Supply CountNNumber of S records
F6Supply Amount SumCSum of all supplies
F7Supply GST Amount SumCSum of GST on all supplies
F8Ledger CountNNumber of L records
F9Debit SumCSum of all debits on all L records
F10Credit SumCSum of all credits on all L records
F11Balance SumCSum of all balances on all L records

2. Guide

This function is located @ Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Reports > GST Audit File

Sample GAF file

For GAF V2, the posted date will change to invoice date

refer to Analyse the GST Audit File (GAF v.2) for analysis 

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