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Figure 1. Shipment: Overview

In the shipment listing, users are able to create, edit shipments or view all the shipments created. Here the user can arrange multiple job shipments for a single shipment to decide on the quantity delivered in each job shipment.

By clicking on the “Import” button, users will be able to import shipment files to be uploaded. “+” button allows the user to create a new shipment, while the “Update Status” button allows the user to update the status of any ticked shipments. Clicking on a specific row will allow the user to edit the selected shipment.

All these features will be described in detail below.

2.3.1 Creating Shipment

Figure 2. Shipment: Create Shipment Part 1

After clicking on the “+” button, the user will start the creation of a shipment. In the Main tab, the user will decide which information to fill.

Figure 3. Shipment: Create Shipment Part 2

By clicking on the first field provided, in this case the “Recipient ID” field, will direct the user to a recipient list where the user will decide to choose a recipient.

Figure 4. Shipment: Create Shipment Part 3

To select a recipient, the user only needs to click on the specific row once, this will load all the related information from the recipient to the field. To view more information on the recipient, the user can click on the icon highlighted in the red box above to see the information in a table format.

After selecting the recipient, the user can go back to the creation menu by clicking on the back button.

Figure 5. Shipment: Create Shipment Part 4

Repeat the steps for other fields such as “Shipping Address”, and the “Sender ID” until sufficient information has been entered.

Finally, the user can create a shipment using the selected details by clicking on the “CREATE” button above.

2.3.2 Importing Shipment File

Figure 6. Shipment: Importing Shipment

Users will need to select a File Type first, then proceed towards uploading the desired file. The “Upload” button will then turn from Gray to Blue upon successful upload.

Then the user can finish the import process by clicking on the “Upload” button.

2.3.3 Updating Shipment Status


Figure 7. Shipment: Updating Shipment

To update the status of a shipment, users will need to tick the shipments to be updated as shown in the red box above, then select an appropriate status. Selected Shipments will be highlighted in light blue to be spotted easily.

Users can then finish the update process by clicking on the “Update Status” button.

2.3.4 Adding Shipment to Job Shipment

Figure 8. Shipment: Adding Job Shipment

To create job shipments, the user will need to select the shipments first by ticking the box, then in the “Allocate” column, the user will need to specify the amount by clicking on the specific row for that column. Corresponding math logic will be conducted based on the allocated amount to finalize the balance.

Clicking on the “Create Job” button will finish adding the job shipment.

2.3.5 Editing Shipment Details

Figure 9. Shipment: Editing Shipment

After clicking on the specific row, the user will be able to edit the details of the selected shipment, changing its information, the user will need to click the “SAVE” button to finish the editing process.

The user can also terminate the edit process by clicking the back button.

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