Menu Path: Trading > Internal Stock Transfer > Upload Stock Transfer
Stock transfer is the act of moving goods from one part of the distribution chain to another.
- The image above shows the main interface of Upload Stock Transfer for Internal Stock Transfer.
- A .doc file will be downloaded automatically upon clicking on the link labelled Upload Stock Transfer User Guide.
- The user guide shows the simple steps on how to Upload Stock Transfer using this function on EMP.
- Image above are the .doc file that will be downloaded as mentioned earlier.
- The similar steps applicable for clicking Download Template File, where the UploadStockTransfer.csv file will be downloaded automatically to the pc.
- Upon opening the .csv file, take note the pop up window box appears.
- Choose the relevant Separator Options and Text Delimiter, and click Ok.
- The .csv file requires the appropriate Stock Transfer details to be key in, to bring the details into the system into the template.
- Not all the fields on the template are required, some may be optional.
Unwanted fields can be deleted at user's discretion.
- Choose the downloaded and filled template file into the Input File of Upload Stock Transfer function.
- Select the appropriate Delimiter and Text Qualifier before proceeding to click Submit.
- The image above will be shown upon uploading the correct filled up template file.
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