Scenario: Invoice (INV) was issued in May 2018 with 6% tax rate, Sales Return (SR) was created in June 2018. How would the SR be treated for GST?
Answer: SR in June 2018 need to have 6% tax rate based on the INV issued in May 2018. Applies the same for Purchase Return (PR) in June 2018 which is based on GRN from May 2018.
Scenario 2: If there have SR and PR being created in June 2018 with 6% gst, GST-03 (5b) and (6b) might result in negative amount. TAP file does not allow negative amount to be submitted.
Answer 2: User need to do GST adjustment to remove the negative amount from GST-03 (5b) and (6b). The following are the suggested steps to perform GST adjustment for negative amount at (5b) and (6b):
Example: GST-03 (negative amount at 5a and 5b due to SR with 6% gst in June 2018)
5a. (RM 1272)
5b. (RM 72)
Suggested solution: To adjust out the 5b amount to 6b, to be able to claim back the amount.
Go to: Extended Module > Malaysia GST > Tax Filing > GST Adjustment