

New Feature

Issue Number
Affected Screen
New Feature



Issue Number
Affected Screen

Bug Fixes

Issue Number
Affected Screen
WH-16980GRN by POError Message Showingstephenboey


 Batch Expiry Date format should validate for YYYY-MM-DD Formatstephenboey
WH-18231sinv create screenHighlight amount on create sinv pageSarvesh

Total GP Calculation same when select Replacement Historical and MA cost

WH-7167FSCSwrong salesman shownIda
WH-17214AR Bad Debt Recoveredamount not match between Bad Debt Relief Declared (Without GST) and Current Bad Debt Recovered (Without GST)Ida
WH-14607Trace StockNo hyperlink for document popupIda
WH-18372Hold / Recall BillError when edit item (blank page)Ida
WH-18626CI-03Error loading pageIda
WH-18572outstanding invoice & estatement pluginEmail sent to customer which have no outstandingIda
WH-18519Supplier CMCannot save item if branch is not tax applicapleIda
WH-17970MISC-12Branch Filter not working for GST AdjustmentIda
WH-17811Edit POWrong tax code if load from Stock RequisitionIda
WH-12256Footwear Create InvoiceWrong discountIda
WH-17788SR-04Rounding errorIda
WH-16925Create BISUnable to createIda
WH-6220Print cash billAwarded Point not Tally with BalanceQuang
WH-16811CC-08 reportWrong spelling_CC-08 ReportQuang
WH-17693Monitoring Outstanding Invoice reportThe column display should be align in Monitor Outstanding Invoice reportQuang
WH-18079SR-09Wrong minimum price at printable 5Quang
WH-15387Data fix SO deposit, CMWrong RCT amounts after logic changedQuang
WH-18295AR TransactionSpeed up AR Transaction reportQuang
WH-13666New PO Multi BranchBranches list does wrong behaviorQuang
WH-18112SR-09Report doesn't show transactions from 1/3/2016 to 13/03Quang
WH-17004SR-05, SR-08, CI-03The salesman listing orders wrong and mixedQuang

Configure Role Permission

'Missing key' being shown instead of textWaqqas

Latest Cost is shown in 'Cost' column & used to calculate 'Total Cost' column

WH-18424Tax Configuration

UI validation needed to prevent wrong GL code to be submitted

WH-17063Edit PO ScreenInclusive tax amount view correctedJimmy
WH-17229Sales Order Details ListingShow convert invoice not functionJimmy
WH-17611Invoice printableShow wrong unit discountJimmy
WH-16902SP-05Not showing replacement costJimmy
WH-17875Create CM Email more than 100 character cause errorJimmy
WH-18426Balance Sheet By Period Showing wrong date rangeJimmy
WH-17748Fullscreen CashsaleHold Bill & Recall Bill ErrorJimmy
WH-18038Set Opening BalanceHave tally the debit & credit but system says is not equalJimmy
WH-13713GRNConfiguration was set to 6..but final price has 4 decimal pointsJimmy
WH-13319Stock Availability Incorrect Quantity for showing batch numberJimmy
WH-18535Upload BOMWrong permissionJimmy
WH-18283Edit Sales OrderAdd on payment amount is not reflected on the SO outstandingJimmy
WH-17542Membership Points Reward and Redeem Transaction ReportWrong display Sales Return at kendo gridJimmy
WH-15562Edit Workshop JobsheetPayment mode: Coupon serial number not functionJimmy
WH-16275Create InvoiceCan create invoice with no child item of BOMJimmy
WH-18080Generate SR-01
The receipt that use to contra with PV did not show
WH-17784Item ListingExport Data error when select replacement costJimmy
WH-18201Create Workshop Jobsheet

Blacklist customer not function in vehicle no

WH-13582Merge Customer AccountNot workingJimmy
WH-17645Widget search itemWrong price for decimal itemJimmy
WH-17458Customer Listing

When uncheck all permission View Individual Sales Only, Nobody salesman only show, suppose show all user

WH-17804Upload Item

Wrong display value of price_tax_option, header with PKID show null

WH-17783Create BOM"Nobody" show in the Audit Trail ReportJimmy
WH-17517Stock MovementNot showing location (transaction from Reset MA)Jimmy
WH-11885Sales ReturnWrong membership pointsJimmy
WH-13333Widget search itemUnable to connect to database." error occurredJimmy
WH-17510Daily Cashier Collection ReportWhy included other date if i choose only Apr 20, 2016Jimmy
WH-18006Create InvoiceThrow null when item code dont have stock movementJimmy
WH-17732Stock Adjustment Duplicate serial number checking missingJimmy
WH-17323SR-09Total margin calculation: total finance cost (B) is multiplied by quantityJimmy
WH-16787Create POLoad PO but nothing is happeningJimmy
WH-18453AP TransactionIf the date range set at / beyond the 1st transaction date, report is showing no resultJimmy
WH-17018SR-08 Sales Report by Daily, Weekly or MonthlySub total incorrectJimmy
WH-17029Edit SRV in RMARole Permission Not WorkingJimmy
WH-13619SR-10Cost and GP not correct when have SRJimmy
WH-18419Emp Configuration -> ProcurementCannot enable Auto Reset MA After GRNJimmy
WH-18739Supplier CMwrong journalIda
WH-13357Input Tax FilingGRN with FCY, use ATMS/ISRV tax_code wrong amount filedIda
WH-12623Upload Customer List

Upload Customer List (from excel)consisting of new customer details do not appear in VIEW CUSTOMER page  


Upload Supplier Invoice

Add new permissionNorizan
WH-10469Audit TrailAdd Audit Trail Report for Changes in Tax ConfigurationRayhan
WH-18789Supplier CM ContraUnable to contra CM from PRIda
WH-18806Create GRNwhen confirm and save, list price changesJimmy
WH-17709Input Tax FilingReversed PV could not be unfiledIda
WH-18643Stock AvailabilityError when generating reportIda
WH-18858PV EditUnable to editIda
WH-16686Supplier Historical Transaction Aging AnalysisNot showing any Open Payment VoucherJimmy
WH-18939Fullscreen CashsaleError when key in serial numberJimmy



Issue Number
Affected Screen
Enhancement required



AP Transaction

The report shows the opening and closing for supplier even-though the Supplier doesn't have any transaction within the date Range



WH-8599SR-07 Report20150715_WAVELET_Outstanding PO in Report SR-07, added Min and Max Qty filters and Introduce checkbox to hide Backlog Weeks in redSarvesh
WH-17470Stock Movement

20160422_WAVELET_Stock Transfer (ST) Batch & Expiry(BE) Details: show which BE and what qty for each specific batch expiry has been transferred.

WH-13491Inventory - Add/Edit/Upload Item ScreenIntroduce indicator for user to check whether to push Item Info to eCommerceSarvesh
WH-6247SR - 04 ReportPls add column for Net Amt b4 GST -Reports: SR - 04Sarvesh
WH-11922invoice listing ReportHide invoice listing printable page showing selected salesman nameSarvesh
WH-16263Payment Voucher CraeteShow "Bill Date" & "Bill No" on JournalsStephenboey
WH-17105GL ListingShow selected GL Code when export excelIda
WH-11257Input Tax FilingShow message when mouse over to Simplified Tax Invoice tick box Ida
WH-16949e-statement pluginenhance to support limit 500 emails per dayIda
WH-17149Balance SheetAdd on hyperlink for "historical AP" at accPayableIda
WH-10632Upload InvoiceAdd warning list if TAX_CODE is emptyIda
WH-17555Edit PVOnly allow edit remarks if PV is filedIda
WH-16801GAFRevamp "Malaysia GST Text File" to generate/download the report fasterIda
WH-8052Data FixData Fixing for missing acc_tax_transactionIda
WH-15618Stock Transfer & Stock RequisitionStock Transfer & Stock Requisition show the related document of each otherQuang
WH-17612Stock Transfer & Sales OrderStock Transfer & Sales Order shows the related document of each otherQuang
WH-17613Sales Order & Stock RequisitionSales Order & Stock Requisition shows the related document of each otherQuang
WH-17665Stock RequisitionCreate Document Popup for Stock RequisitionQuang
WH-18084FSCS - Add Multi PaymentDecoration should be aligned in Add Multi Payment - FSCSQuang
WH-13374FSCSGP button display both MA and Replacement Costs based on permissionQuang
WH-17849FSCSGP should be pop up calculate by replacement costQuang
WH-16562SR-09Speed up SR-09 reportQuang
WH-12599Add GL CodeCan not add GL code with special character []Quang
WH-13057MISC-14 reportAdd extra SO outstanding qty column, and GL DimensionQuang
WH-14438PV ListingPV Listing can not list PV with supplier changed in expense partQuang
WH-5090CashSale Printable

Add GST Summary (Tax Rate) in Cash Sales Printables

WH-17102Set Opening Balance

Box of GL Code too small 

WH-11969Intercompany Stock Transfer Listing

Add filter by status 

WH-12985Create Invoice

Add SO No. and deposit amount when converting SO to INV

WH-18091E-commerceRecompile file "pop_terms.jsp"Waqqas
WH-17677Stock Availability report

RRP showing inclusive GST 

WH-15646Credit Memo, Payment Voucher, Open Payment Voucher, Cash TransferShow most recently created document at the top of the listingWaqqas
WH-9838E-commerceAdd conversion tracking codeWaqqas
WH-10616Audit TrailAdd details for SR-05, SR-06, SR-09 (Date From, Date To, Branch, Location) to Audit TrailWaqqas
WH-17630Consignment Conversion PrintableShow Batch & Expiry detailsWaqqas
WH-17363Upload fileSupport Unicode charactersJimmy
WH-11466Purchase ReturnAdd returning price for batch itemJimmy
WH-16402Create InvoiceAdd pwp name and code to item nameJimmy
WH-17119SBR-04Add show Price TooltipsJimmy



Input Tax Filing show correct CM tax amount and AmountIda
WH-4339Invoice PDF PrintableAdd pic1, pic2, pic3 name fieldIda

Hold Bill function to allow users within same branch able to recall the bill 


Stock Availability Report with Purchase Order and Sales Order 

Stock Availability Report with Purchase Order and Sales Order 

WH-10043Create and edit jobsheet

User of different branch can edit other branch's workshop jobsheet 

WH-10564Create Jobsheet

Customer Alert Message not shown in workshop jobsheet create 

WH-11469intercompany stock transfer

Loaded item price in intercompany stock transfer is incorrect. 

WH-15090Customer > Credit Memo > Create

Customer > Credit Memo > Create > Trade in Item's Tax code: allow the page to remember the previous options chosen by the user 

WH-15326Upload Supplier Invoice

Upload Supplier Invoice -> To reject the whole file if error detected 


Edit Receipt function 

Add Salesperson to Edit Receipt function 


Historical AP Balance

Historical AP Balance → add filter by Supplier type 

WH-17356Drop Down List and Upload Drop Down ListDrop Down List and Upload Drop Down List, same category and same code not allow create.Norizan
WH-18518Supplier Consignment Billing ScreenShow GST Item Details similar to GRN screenJimmy
WH-8061db installAdd GST related GL Category and GL code to system defaultIda



Issue Number
Affected Screen



Issue NumberAffected ScreenConfigurationProgrammer



Issue Number
Affected Screen
WH-14354 Blacklist overdue plugin cannot runJimmy


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