New Feature
Issue Number | Affected Screen | New Feature | Programmer |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Permission | Programmer |
Bug Fixes
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Problem | Programmer |
WH-16980 | GRN by PO | Error Message Showing | stephenboey |
Batch Expiry Date format should validate for YYYY-MM-DD Format | stephenboey | ||
WH-18231 | sinv create screen | Highlight amount on create sinv page | Sarvesh |
WH-17466 | MISC-15 | Total GP Calculation same when select Replacement Historical and MA cost | Waqqas |
WH-7167 | FSCS | wrong salesman shown | Ida |
WH-17214 | AR Bad Debt Recovered | amount not match between Bad Debt Relief Declared (Without GST) and Current Bad Debt Recovered (Without GST) | Ida |
WH-14607 | Trace Stock | No hyperlink for document popup | Ida |
WH-18372 | Hold / Recall Bill | Error when edit item (blank page) | Ida |
WH-18626 | CI-03 | Error loading page | Ida |
WH-18572 | outstanding invoice & estatement plugin | Email sent to customer which have no outstanding | Ida |
WH-18519 | Supplier CM | Cannot save item if branch is not tax applicaple | Ida |
WH-17970 | MISC-12 | Branch Filter not working for GST Adjustment | Ida |
WH-17811 | Edit PO | Wrong tax code if load from Stock Requisition | Ida |
WH-12256 | Footwear Create Invoice | Wrong discount | Ida |
WH-17788 | SR-04 | Rounding error | Ida |
WH-16925 | Create BIS | Unable to create | Ida |
WH-6220 | Print cash bill | Awarded Point not Tally with Balance | Quang |
WH-16811 | CC-08 report | Wrong spelling_CC-08 Report | Quang |
WH-17693 | Monitoring Outstanding Invoice report | The column display should be align in Monitor Outstanding Invoice report | Quang |
WH-18079 | SR-09 | Wrong minimum price at printable 5 | Quang |
WH-15387 | Data fix SO deposit, CM | Wrong RCT amounts after logic changed | Quang |
WH-18295 | AR Transaction | Speed up AR Transaction report | Quang |
WH-13666 | New PO Multi Branch | Branches list does wrong behavior | Quang |
WH-18112 | SR-09 | Report doesn't show transactions from 1/3/2016 to 13/03 | Quang |
WH-17004 | SR-05, SR-08, CI-03 | The salesman listing orders wrong and mixed | Quang |
WH-17583 | Configure Role Permission | 'Missing key' being shown instead of text | Waqqas |
WH-16073 | SR-07 | Latest Cost is shown in 'Cost' column & used to calculate 'Total Cost' column | Waqqas |
WH-18424 | Tax Configuration | UI validation needed to prevent wrong GL code to be submitted | Waqqas |
WH-17063 | Edit PO Screen | Inclusive tax amount view corrected | Jimmy |
WH-17229 | Sales Order Details Listing | Show convert invoice not function | Jimmy |
WH-17611 | Invoice printable | Show wrong unit discount | Jimmy |
WH-16902 | SP-05 | Not showing replacement cost | Jimmy |
WH-17875 | Create CM | Email more than 100 character cause error | Jimmy |
WH-18426 | Balance Sheet By Period | Showing wrong date range | Jimmy |
WH-17748 | Fullscreen Cashsale | Hold Bill & Recall Bill Error | Jimmy |
WH-18038 | Set Opening Balance | Have tally the debit & credit but system says is not equal | Jimmy |
WH-13713 | GRN | Configuration was set to 6..but final price has 4 decimal points | Jimmy |
WH-13319 | Stock Availability | Incorrect Quantity for showing batch number | Jimmy |
WH-18535 | Upload BOM | Wrong permission | Jimmy |
WH-18283 | Edit Sales Order | Add on payment amount is not reflected on the SO outstanding | Jimmy |
WH-17542 | Membership Points Reward and Redeem Transaction Report | Wrong display Sales Return at kendo grid | Jimmy |
WH-15562 | Edit Workshop Jobsheet | Payment mode: Coupon serial number not function | Jimmy |
WH-16275 | Create Invoice | Can create invoice with no child item of BOM | Jimmy |
WH-18080 | Generate SR-01 | Jimmy | |
WH-17784 | Item Listing | Export Data error when select replacement cost | Jimmy |
WH-18201 | Create Workshop Jobsheet | Blacklist customer not function in vehicle no | Jimmy |
WH-13582 | Merge Customer Account | Not working | Jimmy |
WH-17645 | Widget search item | Wrong price for decimal item | Jimmy |
WH-17458 | Customer Listing | When uncheck all permission View Individual Sales Only, Nobody salesman only show, suppose show all user | Jimmy |
WH-17804 | Upload Item | Wrong display value of price_tax_option, header with PKID show null | Jimmy |
WH-17783 | Create BOM | "Nobody" show in the Audit Trail Report | Jimmy |
WH-17517 | Stock Movement | Not showing location (transaction from Reset MA) | Jimmy |
WH-11885 | Sales Return | Wrong membership points | Jimmy |
WH-13333 | Widget search item | Unable to connect to database." error occurred | Jimmy |
WH-17510 | Daily Cashier Collection Report | Why included other date if i choose only Apr 20, 2016 | Jimmy |
WH-18006 | Create Invoice | Throw null when item code dont have stock movement | Jimmy |
WH-17732 | Stock Adjustment | Duplicate serial number checking missing | Jimmy |
WH-17323 | SR-09 | Total margin calculation: total finance cost (B) is multiplied by quantity | Jimmy |
WH-16787 | Create PO | Load PO but nothing is happening | Jimmy |
WH-18453 | AP Transaction | If the date range set at / beyond the 1st transaction date, report is showing no result | Jimmy |
WH-17018 | SR-08 Sales Report by Daily, Weekly or Monthly | Sub total incorrect | Jimmy |
WH-17029 | Edit SRV in RMA | Role Permission Not Working | Jimmy |
WH-13619 | SR-10 | Cost and GP not correct when have SR | Jimmy |
WH-18419 | Emp Configuration -> Procurement | Cannot enable Auto Reset MA After GRN | Jimmy |
WH-18739 | Supplier CM | wrong journal | Ida |
WH-13357 | Input Tax Filing | GRN with FCY, use ATMS/ISRV tax_code wrong amount filed | Ida |
WH-12623 | Upload Customer List | Upload Customer List (from excel)consisting of new customer details do not appear in VIEW CUSTOMER page | Norizan |
WH-17841 | Upload Supplier Invoice | Add new permission | Norizan |
WH-10469 | Audit Trail | Add Audit Trail Report for Changes in Tax Configuration | Rayhan |
WH-18789 | Supplier CM Contra | Unable to contra CM from PR | Ida |
WH-18806 | Create GRN | when confirm and save, list price changes | Jimmy |
WH-17709 | Input Tax Filing | Reversed PV could not be unfiled | Ida |
WH-18643 | Stock Availability | Error when generating report | Ida |
WH-18858 | PV Edit | Unable to edit | Ida |
WH-16686 | Supplier Historical Transaction Aging Analysis | Not showing any Open Payment Voucher | Jimmy |
WH-18939 | Fullscreen Cashsale | Error when key in serial number | Jimmy |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Enhancement required | Programmer |
| AP Transaction | The report shows the opening and closing for supplier even-though the Supplier doesn't have any transaction within the date Range | Jimmy
WH-8599 | SR-07 Report | 20150715_WAVELET_Outstanding PO in Report SR-07, added Min and Max Qty filters and Introduce checkbox to hide Backlog Weeks in red | Sarvesh |
WH-17470 | Stock Movement | 20160422_WAVELET_Stock Transfer (ST) Batch & Expiry(BE) Details: show which BE and what qty for each specific batch expiry has been transferred. | Sarvesh |
WH-13491 | Inventory - Add/Edit/Upload Item Screen | Introduce indicator for user to check whether to push Item Info to eCommerce | Sarvesh |
WH-6247 | SR - 04 Report | Pls add column for Net Amt b4 GST -Reports: SR - 04 | Sarvesh |
WH-11922 | invoice listing Report | Hide invoice listing printable page showing selected salesman name | Sarvesh |
WH-16263 | Payment Voucher Craete | Show "Bill Date" & "Bill No" on Journals | Stephenboey |
WH-17105 | GL Listing | Show selected GL Code when export excel | Ida |
WH-11257 | Input Tax Filing | Show message when mouse over to Simplified Tax Invoice tick box | Ida |
WH-16949 | e-statement plugin | enhance to support limit 500 emails per day | Ida |
WH-17149 | Balance Sheet | Add on hyperlink for "historical AP" at accPayable | Ida |
WH-10632 | Upload Invoice | Add warning list if TAX_CODE is empty | Ida |
WH-17555 | Edit PV | Only allow edit remarks if PV is filed | Ida |
WH-16801 | GAF | Revamp "Malaysia GST Text File" to generate/download the report faster | Ida |
WH-8052 | Data Fix | Data Fixing for missing acc_tax_transaction | Ida |
WH-15618 | Stock Transfer & Stock Requisition | Stock Transfer & Stock Requisition show the related document of each other | Quang |
WH-17612 | Stock Transfer & Sales Order | Stock Transfer & Sales Order shows the related document of each other | Quang |
WH-17613 | Sales Order & Stock Requisition | Sales Order & Stock Requisition shows the related document of each other | Quang |
WH-17665 | Stock Requisition | Create Document Popup for Stock Requisition | Quang |
WH-18084 | FSCS - Add Multi Payment | Decoration should be aligned in Add Multi Payment - FSCS | Quang |
WH-13374 | FSCS | GP button display both MA and Replacement Costs based on permission | Quang |
WH-17849 | FSCS | GP should be pop up calculate by replacement cost | Quang |
WH-16562 | SR-09 | Speed up SR-09 report | Quang |
WH-12599 | Add GL Code | Can not add GL code with special character [] | Quang |
WH-13057 | MISC-14 report | Add extra SO outstanding qty column, and GL Dimension | Quang |
WH-14438 | PV Listing | PV Listing can not list PV with supplier changed in expense part | Quang |
WH-5090 | CashSale Printable | Add GST Summary (Tax Rate) in Cash Sales Printables | Waqqas |
WH-17102 | Set Opening Balance | Box of GL Code too small | Waqqas |
WH-11969 | Intercompany Stock Transfer Listing | Add filter by status | Waqqas |
WH-12985 | Create Invoice | Add SO No. and deposit amount when converting SO to INV | Waqqas |
WH-18091 | E-commerce | Recompile file "pop_terms.jsp" | Waqqas |
WH-17677 | Stock Availability report | RRP showing inclusive GST | Waqqas |
WH-15646 | Credit Memo, Payment Voucher, Open Payment Voucher, Cash Transfer | Show most recently created document at the top of the listing | Waqqas |
WH-9838 | E-commerce | Add conversion tracking code | Waqqas |
WH-10616 | Audit Trail | Add details for SR-05, SR-06, SR-09 (Date From, Date To, Branch, Location) to Audit Trail | Waqqas |
WH-17630 | Consignment Conversion Printable | Show Batch & Expiry details | Waqqas |
WH-17363 | Upload file | Support Unicode characters | Jimmy |
WH-11466 | Purchase Return | Add returning price for batch item | Jimmy |
WH-16402 | Create Invoice | Add pwp name and code to item name | Jimmy |
WH-17119 | SBR-04 | Add show Price Tooltips | Jimmy |
WH-15278 WH-17635 | Input Tax Filing | show correct CM tax amount and Amount | Ida |
WH-4339 | Invoice PDF Printable | Add pic1, pic2, pic3 name field | Ida |
WH-8069 | FSCS | Hold Bill function to allow users within same branch able to recall the bill | Norizan |
WH-17657 | Stock Availability Report with Purchase Order and Sales Order | Stock Availability Report with Purchase Order and Sales Order | Norizan |
WH-10043 | Create and edit jobsheet | User of different branch can edit other branch's workshop jobsheet | Norizan |
WH-10564 | Create Jobsheet | Customer Alert Message not shown in workshop jobsheet create | Norizan |
WH-11469 | intercompany stock transfer | Loaded item price in intercompany stock transfer is incorrect. | Norizan |
WH-15090 | Customer > Credit Memo > Create | Customer > Credit Memo > Create > Trade in Item's Tax code: allow the page to remember the previous options chosen by the user | Norizan |
WH-15326 | Upload Supplier Invoice | Upload Supplier Invoice -> To reject the whole file if error detected | Norizan |
WH-15376 | Edit Receipt function | Add Salesperson to Edit Receipt function | Norizan |
WH-17150 | Historical AP Balance | Historical AP Balance → add filter by Supplier type | Norizan |
WH-17356 | Drop Down List and Upload Drop Down List | Drop Down List and Upload Drop Down List, same category and same code not allow create. | Norizan |
WH-18518 | Supplier Consignment Billing Screen | Show GST Item Details similar to GRN screen | Jimmy |
WH-8061 | db install | Add GST related GL Category and GL code to system default | Ida |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Permission | Programmer |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Configuration | Programmer |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Description | Programmer |
WH-14354 | Blacklist overdue plugin cannot run | Jimmy |
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