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Claim Submission Status
Once you are done creating or submitting a claim, you can view the status of your claim on your overview screen. Please refer to the highlighted area below.
Navigate to the My Claim Section:
From the left-side menu, select My Claim to access the claim listing table.
Review the Status Column:
The status column will show the current status of each claim, such as Draft, Submitted, Approved, or Closed.
For Claim Header, there are total FIVE statuses:
Claim Header Statuses
The Claim Header has five possible statuses:
TEMP: Indicates a temporary claim where the Claim Header has been created, but the Claim Title has not been filled or saved.
DRAFT: A properly created Claim Header that has not yet been submitted.
SUBMITTED: Claims that have been successfully submitted and are pending approval.
APPROVED: All claims within the header have been approved by the supervisor.
CLOSED: Indicates a mixture of approved and rejected claims within the Claim Header.
Claim Line Statuses
The Claim Lines have eight possible statuses:
TEMP: Indicates the claim line has been created but not saved properly.
DRAFT: The claim line has been completed but not submitted.
PENDING APPROVAL: The claim line has been submitted and is awaiting supervisor approval.
PENDING DOC REVIEW: The supervisor has approved the claim, and it is undergoing financial department review.
REJECTED: The claim line has been rejected by the supervisor.
WITHDRAWN: The claimant has withdrawn the claim line.
ON HOLD: The financial department has temporarily paused the review of the claim line.
APPROVED: The financial department has approved the claim line.
The next section explains the Approval Sequence Tab
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