Upload Cash Transfer
Menu Path: Finance > Cash Book > Upload Cash Transfer
Step 1: Click "Download template file" to download the excel template
Step 2: Fill in Data (for the sample data, transfer from HSBC account to Petty Cash account)
No | Field Name | Data Type | Remarks | Where to find | Sample Data |
1 | AMOUNT | Integer | Compulsory, Floating Point Number | 100.00 | |
2 | BRANCH_CODE | String with Maximum (100) Characters | Compulsory | Control Panel > Developer > Branch Maintenance > Branch Listing > Refer to "Branch Code" | A Co.-B1 |
3 | CASHBOOK_FROM_CODE | String with Maximum (100) Characters | Compulsory | Accounting > Maintenance > Configuration > CashBook Maintenance > Refer to "Code" | hsbc_7895 |
4 | CASHBOOK_TO_CODE | String with Maximum (100) Characters | Compulsory | Accounting > Maintenance > Configuration > CashBook Maintenance > Refer to "Code" | A Co.-B1-PC |
5 | COMPANY_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | Compulsory | Control Panel > Developer > Organization Structure > Company > Click "Edit" > Refer to "Code" | A Co. |
6 | TXN_DATE | String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | Compulsory, String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | 2016-10-27 | |
7 | CHEQUE_DATE | String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | |||
8 | CHEQUE_NO | String with Maximum (30) Characters | |||
9 | GL_DIMENSION_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | |||
10 | GL_DIMENSION_ID | Integer | |||
11 | PAYEE | String with Maximum (300) Characters | |||
12 | REMARKS | String with Maximum (300) Characters |
Excel sample:
Step 3: Save file, comma separated values (.csv) format
Step 4: Upload file
Successfully uploaded, please refer to bottom for the cash transfer number
Finance > Cash Book > Cash Transfer Listing
Finance > Cash Book > Query Cashbook Transaction
Error List
Solutions: Please change date format to (yyyy-mm-dd)
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