4.0 Voucher Types

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4.0 Voucher Types

4.1 Discount Voucher

The following information can be edited:

  1. Voucher Name

  2. Quantity Limit

  3. Currency

  4. Status

  5. Enable Softpin [checkbox]

  6. Character Length Softpin (Only if enable Softpin is ticked)

  7. Enable Activation [Checkbox]

  8. Character Length Activation Code (Only if enable Activation is ticked)

  9. Enable URL Key [checkbox]

  10. Character Length URL Key (Only if enable URL Key is ticked)

  11. Enable Prefix [checkbox]

  12. Prefix

  13. Character Length Serial Number Generation

  14. URL Redirection

  15. Character Length - Serial Number Generation Prefix

  16. Description

4.2 Settlement Voucher

The following information can be edited:

  1. Voucher Name

  2. Quantity Limit

  3. Face Value Amount

  4. Currency

  5. Status

  6. Enable Softpin [checkbox]

  7. Character Length Softpin (Only if enable Softpin is ticked)

  8. Enable Activation [checkbox]

  9. Character Length Activation Code (Only if enable Activation is ticked)

  10. Enable URL Key [checkbox]

  11. Character Length URL Key (Only if enable URL Key is ticked)

  12. Enable Prefix [checkbox]

  13. Prefix

  14. Character Length Serial Number Generation

  15. URL Redirection

  16. Character Length - Serial Number Generation Prefix

  17. Description

4.3 Reward Voucher

The following information can be edited:

  1. Voucher Name

  2. Quantity Limit

  3. Status

  4. Enable Softpin [checkbox]

  5. Character Length Softpin (Only if enable Softpin is ticked)

  6. Enable Activation [checkbox]

  7. Character Length Activation Code (Only if enable Activation is ticked)

  8. Enable URL Key [checkbox]

  9. Character Length URL Key (Only if enable URL Key is ticked)

  10. Enable Prefix [checkbox]

  11. Prefix

  12. Character Length Serial Number Generation

  13. URL Redirection

  14. Character Length - Serial Number Generation Prefix

  15. Description

Please click "save" after you change the details of the price set.

Please click "delete" to remove the price set from the list.



4.4 Rules - Doc Hdr

Please Add or edit the rules for Document HDR level of voucher from the "Rules-Doc Hdr" tab.



Please select the "Rules logic" and "Negation logic" from the list and click the "+" button to add rules for the voucher.

Please select the relevant rule type from the list. The following are the Rule Types that can be set, which are correct at the day of the documentation creation.

  1. Event Date Range

  2. Redemption Date Range

  3. Entity Type

  4. Member Class

  5. Member Label

  6. Company

  7. Branch

a. Event Date Range


If you select the "Event Date range", Please fill up the Compulsory (*) information (Rule name) and set the Event Validity start date and End date. Please click "create" to add the rule for the Voucher.

b. Redemption Date Range


If you select the "Redemption Date range", Please fill up the Compulsory (*) information (Rule name) and set the period for the redemption. Please click "create" to add the rule for the Voucher.

c. Entity type


If you select the "Entity type", Please fill up the Compulsory (*) information and select the "Entity". Please click "create" to add the rule for the voucher.

d. Member Class


If you select Member class, Member label, Company and Branch, Please fill up the Compulsory (*) information and Click the "Create" and "+" button to add Member Class, Label, Company and Branch.

After you added the rules in the voucher, you can click the rule from the list to remove it.

4.5 Rules - Multi Line

Please select the "Rules logic" and "Negation logic" from the list and click the "+" button to add rules for the voucher.

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