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3.0 Internal Purchase GIN
3.1 Main Details Tab
3.1.1 Add GIN
Please click the ‘+’ button to add a new GIN.
Please fill out the compulsory (*) information to create the purchase GIN.
There are 10 components which allow the user to make changes respectively:
Branch - Will populate the default branch according to the branch selected in the setting
Location - Will populate default location if branch according to the branch selected in the setting
Purchaser- Add new purchaser in the Customer Maintenance Applet
Transaction Date - Default to the current date
Credit Terms - Entity ID must be selected first
Permit No
Tracking ID
3.2 Account Tab
3.2.1 Entity Details Tab
Compulsory Information:
Entity ID: Supplier Code, auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Entity Name: Supplier Name, auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Status: Active or Inactive. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Entity Type: Corporate or Individual. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Identity Type: IC or Passport, auto-filled when Supplier entity is selected.
ID Number: IC or Passport number, auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Currency: To determine based on the pricing condition what you are maintaining. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
GL Code: A number used to record business transactions in the general ledger. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Description: Additional notes. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Email: A central email through which the Supplier wants to communicate. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
Phone Number: A central phone number through which Supplier wants to communicate. Auto-filled when a Supplier entity is selected.
3.2.2 Bill To Tab
Name, Email, and Phone No will be Autofill after selecting the Entity ID.
If only 1 Billing Address exists in that Entity ID, the Billing Address will auto-populate after selecting the Entity ID.
List of Billing Addresses will be displayed on the right side for selection after clicking on the Billing Address.
3.2.3 Ship To Tab
Name, Email, and Phone No will be Autofill after selecting the Entity ID.
If only 1 Shipping Address exists in that Entity ID, the Shipping Address will auto-populate after selecting the Entity ID.
List of Shipping Addresses will be displayed on the right side for selection after clicking on the Shipping Address.
3.3 Line Items Tab
Please click the ‘+’ button to add new line items.
A list of items will be displayed on the right side based on the type of item purchased.
The purchased item types are Purchase Order Item, Purchase Requisition Item, Purchase Quotation Item, Purchase Invoice Item, and Purchase Return Item.
A new column of Add Items will be displayed on the right side when one of the items is clicked, and the changes can be saved by clicking on the Add button.
3.4 Item Details Tab
3.4.1 Main Details Tab
You can edit the item that you have selected.
Number fields such as Unit Price, Quantity Base etc. are editable and it will affect other fields automatically.
3.4.2 Delivery Instruction Tab
In the Delivery Instruction:
Add Instruction and Set the Delivery Date
In the Delivery Message Card
Add a message with the sender and receiver
Can click on the ‘Copy from Entity Name’ or ‘Copy from Recipient Name’ for getting the setting of the Sender and Receiver
3.4.3 Department Tab
Click on the ‘Copy from Hdr’ for getting the settings for Department.
Fill in the information for the department.
3.5 Costing Details Tab
Showing all the costing details about the selected item:
Company Code
Location Code
Moving Average Unit Cost
FIFO Unit Cost
Manual Unit Cost
Last Purchase Unit Cost
3.6 Pricing Details Tab
Showing all the pricing details:
Pricing Scheme Code
Pricing Schema Name
Purchase Unit Price
Modified Date
A new column of Edit Pricing Details will be displayed on the right side when one of the pricing details is clicked, and the changes can be saved by clicking on the Add button.
3.7 Issue Link Tab
Showing list of issue link.
Contain project name, issue number, and issue summary.
A new Edit Issue column will be displayed on the right side when one of the issue link is clicked.
3.7.1 Edit Issue
In the Edit Issue, users can fill in fields of Issue Number and Summary.
3.7.2 Details tab
Drop down field like Project. Issue Type, Assignee, Reporter, Summary, Description, Parent and Created Date are selectable.
3.7.3 Planning Tab
The fields such as Target Start Date, Target End Date, Actual Start Date, Actual End Date, Calculated Start Date, Calculated End Date, Baseline Start Date, Baseline End Date, Billing Currency, Billing Amount, Cost Currency, Cost Amount, Story Point, Manday Target, Manday Allocated and Manday Billing can be filled.
3.7.4 Attachment Tab
Upload file from local device by dragging and dropping your file on the field or clicking the Upload File button.
3.7.5 Comment Tab
A list of comments can be viewed at this tab.
3.7.6 Subtasks Tab
A list of subtasks can be viewed at this tab.
3.7.7 Linked Issues Tab
A list of linked issues can be viewed at this tab.
3.7.8 Worklogs Tab
A list of worklogs can be viewed in this tab.
The Log Time tab will be displayed on the right side when the ‘+’ button is clicked.
There are fields such as Activity Type, Date, Duration and Description to be filled.
3.7.9 Activity Tab
A list of activities can be viewed in this tab.
3.7.10 Edit Item
Please click on the line item that wants to make changes.
All the fields are the same as the steps of adding items, and are editable.
In the Doc Link Tab, will show the Doc No that copy from and copy to.
Other tabs are the same as Adding Line items.
Please click on “Save” after making the changes.
3.8 Payment Tab
Please click the ‘+’ button to add a new payment.
Can add different payment methods such as Cash, Credit Card, Membership Point Currency, Voucher and Cheque.
Can add a new settlement method in the Cashbook Applet.
3.8.1 Cash
Please fill in the compulsory fields such as Date and amount.
Click on the ‘Add’ to add the settlement.
3.8.2 Voucher
Please fill in the compulsory fields such as Voucher # and Amount.
Click on the ‘Add’ to add the settlement.
3.8.3 Credit Card
Please fill in the compulsory fields such as Date, Amount, Credit Card No and Name on Card.
Click on the ‘Add’ to add the settlement.
3.9 Membership Point Currency
Please fill in the compulsory fields such as Date, Amount, Point CCY and Point Currency for Settlement.
Click on the ‘Add’ to add the settlement.
3.10 Cheque
Please fill in the compulsory fields such as Date, Amount, and Cheque No.
Click on the ‘Add’ to add the settlement.
3.11 Department Hdr Tab
Can select Segment, G/L Dimension, Profit Centre, and Project when creating Purchase GIN.
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