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Company Settings
In order for the users to purchase items from a related company and branch, the owner and admin users of the MSESD Applet must first configure the credentials of the company and branch using the Organization Applet. By doing that, the options of the particular company and branch will appear under the Main tab on the Create MS ESD Order page. Then, users can edit the configurations of the company and branch under the Applet Settings of the MSESD Applet.
Under the Applet Settings tab, the Company Settings page shows the information of the companies which have been configured using the Organization Applet. Users can check and update the settings of the companies who sell the MS ESD products under the Company Settings page.
Based on the screenshot shown above, the Company Settings page records the Company Code, Company Name, Company Registration Number, Description, Status, Creation Date and Modified Date of a company.
4.1 Main Tab
In order to read or update the credentials of a company, users can click on the relevant company row in the Company Settings page. By doing that, the Edit Company Settings page [Company Code] will appear from the right.
Under the Main tab of the Edit Company Settings page, users can read the credentials of the company. The credentials include
The hostname of the company
Username and Password of the company
PnA Url, Username PnA, and Password PnA of the company
EMP Api Url of the company
Supplier code
Default item category
Default tax percentage
Options for default tax-inclusive
Options to automatically send email to users
Tenant code of the company
Users can update the credentials of the company by editing the company information under the Main tab and then clicking on the “UPDATE” button to save all the changes.
4.2 Email Template Tab
Under the Email Template tab of the Edit Company Settings page, users can edit the email template of the particular company. The information that can be edited includes the receiver's email address, sender’s email address, email subject, and email message template.
Then, users can click on the “UPDATE” button to save the edited email template.
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