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7.0 Merchant Setup
To set up merchants, there are two applets: the Merchant Admin Applet for configuration and the Merchant Access Applet for merchants to use. The Merchant Admin Applet handles setup, while the Merchant Access Applet is for merchants to access and utilize the configured settings.
7.1 Create and Edit Merchant
The user can create the Merchant in the Merchant Admin Applet. You can click on the “+” button on the merchant listing page and create a new merchant by adding all the merchant details.
Once the new Merchant is created, the user can edit the setting by clicking on the Merchant in the Merchant Listing.
In the Merchant Edit page, the user can see a lot of tabs, but for this module, users only need to configure the following tabs:
Merchant Login
Merchant Contract
Return URL if necessary
Payment Configuration
Credit limit and Terms
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