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The category module is used to create categories, as well as nest categories that can be linked to an Item in the Item Maintenance Module.

When user land in Category Listing, they will see the AG-Grid listing of all categories that have been created

The screenshot above shows the listing of all categories. Users may customize the columns by removing them or relocating them. Users may search categories through fuzzy search in the listing itself or may search through a general search bar. In addition, they may search by status and modified date in advanced search as shown in the picture below:

Pagination Row can be customized based on user’s preference as shown in screenshot below:

3.2 Create Category

When user wants to create a new category for an item they can go to “Category Module”. then the user must click on “+” It will redirect to the 2nd container where the user must fill up the required fields. Category will make it easier for users to search specific groups of items either in Doc Item Maintenance or in transactional applets.

There are two mandatory fields when creating a category which are:

  • Category Name

  • Category Code

  • Description - is not compulsory

  • Nesting category - it is when a single category can be associated with multiple categories. for example:

  • ◦ Main category = Smartphones

  • ◦ Nested Category = iPhone

3.3 Edit Category

When a user wants to edit existing categories they may click on any of the specific categories in the listing. Once clicked it will open a second container with Category details. There are two tabs when editing Category which are:

3.3.1 Main Tab

This tab shows basic information on the category that was filled up when creating the category.

These are the fields in the main tab:

  • Category Name - can be adjusted, compulsory to fill up

  • Category Code - can be adjusted, compulsory to fill up

  • Description - can be adjusted, not compulsory

  • Status - to specify whether the category is Active or Inactive

  • Nesting the category - it is when a single category can be associated with multiple categories. Can be adjusted. Example of nested category:

  • ◦ Main category = Smartphones

  • ◦ Nested Category = iPhone

  • Summary - cannot be adjusted, as it is used as a reference for the user to show details such as:

  • ◦ Created by who

  • ◦ Modified by who

  • ◦ Creation date

  • ◦ Modified Date

3.3.2 Manage Image Tab

CP Commerce displays product categories for easy referral for customers. Users can use the Manage Image Tab in the Doc Item Maintenance applet to upload relevant category images. Upon clicking on categories, the user will be shown all relevant products under said categories.

When users want to add an image, they click on the “+” button, once clicked the second container will appear, where the user can select the image and specify the image name as shown below.

These are the fields in the main tab:

3.3.3 Manage Item Tab

Users can use the Manage Item Tab in the Doc Item Maintenance applet to upload relevant category items. Upon clicking on categories, the user will be shown all relevant products under said categories.

When users want to add an item, they click on the “+” button, once clicked the second container will appear, where the user can select the item and add it.

3.3.4 Login Tab

Please click the "Add" button to create a new login.

Enter a valid email address and verify it. Then set the status of the email address to be active.

Users can update their mail status or delete it.

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