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2.0 PWG Overview
2.1 Payment Gateway Module Workflow
This is the workflow of when a customer makes a purchase on a website and clicks the payment button.
The CP-Commerce Web Browser initiates the transaction by transmitting essential parameters, including Reference Number, Amount, Remarks, Merchant Indirect URL, Error Indirect URL, and Merchant Contract Key, to the CP-Commerce Backend.
Upon receiving the parameters, the CP-Commerce Backend processes the information and promptly responds by transmitting the Reference Number back to the CP-Commerce Web Browser.
The web browser, having obtained the Reference Number, triggers an HTTP request to the Payment Gateway (PGW) Backend.
In response, the PGW Backend delivers an HTML page to the PGW Web Browser, prompting the customer to select a preferred payment channel (e.g., ip88, GHL).
Following the customer’s selection, the transaction seamlessly transitions to the chosen payment channel’s backend (e.g., Ipay88, Ximpay).
Subsequently, the payment channel’s backend orchestrates the process, interfacing with the associated Payment channel’s web browser.
The transaction progresses to the Maybank backend from the payment channel’s web browser.
From the Maybank Backend, the flow extends to the Maybank web browser, and this iterative interaction may occur based on the specific intricacies of the banking system.
The flow moves back and forth between the Maybank web browser and the backend as dictated by the intricacies of the banking processes.
From the Maybank web browser, the transaction re-routes to the payment channel backend.
The payment channel backend manages the transition to the Payment channel’s web browser.
The transaction progresses to the PGW Backend from the Payment channel’s web browser.
Subsequently, the flow continues to the PGW Web Browser from the PGW backend.
From the PGW Web Browser, the transaction transitions to the CP-Commerce backend.
Finally, the CP-Commerce backend concludes the process by seamlessly redirecting the flow back to the CP-Commerce website.
For Xampay, there is no backend, so payment can directly move from the PGW to Maybank
2.2 Installation Steps
In order to set up the payment gateway module, users are required to install the following applets from the Akaun platform.
Users can search for the following applets in the applet stores and install them.
Supplier Maintenance Applet
Payment Channel Applet
Merchant Admin Applet
Merchant Access Applet
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