To import Opening stock, we have to use upload GRN function.
We can disable the auto-create item while uploading GRN. Please make sure that you have already imported the item codes first.
Only existing item can be upload and if the item is not in the master file, error will be appear.
To disable auto-creating new item function and upload GRN :-
STEP 1 : Before upload the file , some configuration need to be done .
Control Panel > System Admin > EMP configuration > Inventory
Scroll down and set configuration for upload GRN
Then disable it by untick the box .
STEP 2 : Prepare the file to be uploaded .
It is advisable to use open office software to prepare the file .
Base on the Template file given , you are required to fill in the compulsory field ( written in red )
After the detail information has been fill up . Header , requirement and sample row need to be deleted.
Then , save the file to Text CSV format and don’t forget to tick the edit filter setting checkbox
One dialog box will appear and Click Keep current format .
Change the Field Delimiter to “|” and left blank the Text Delimiter .
Then Click Ok .
The file is ready to be upload in the EMP server .
STEP 3 : Upload GRN
Inventory > Others > Upload GRN
Choose the file and Click Submit