Report >> Stock Report >> SBR-05 Historical Stock Balance
- Location : Select All location that belong to 1 Company (included the STOCK TRANSFER LOCATION)
- Date : Enter date of balance to be calculated.
- Item Code Fuzzy Search : leave it blank to view all the items codes (for Total) or If you have the item code, enter a specific item
- Item Code : leave it blank to view all the items codes (for Total) or If you have the item code, enter a specific item code range
- Item Category : leave it un-select (for Total) or Select Item Category and tick the checkbox (If want to view particular category stock value)
- Status: ALL (if you want to get the listing compare with the Balance Sheet "inventory" glcode)
- Type: Choose Item type, when necessary
- Group By : alloy to tick for 2 levels
- Order By: Item Name or Item Code
- Option: Chose options whether to include positive / zero / negative balance (by default Select ALL)
- Transaction Type (Optional) : Deselect ALL for view all result
- No : Numbering of item in the list
- Item Code : Show Item Code that matches the filter Setting
- Item Name : Show Item Name
- UOM : Show Unit Of Measurement
- Qty(A) : Show historical stock quantity of the item on the selected date
- Min Purchase Price : Minimum GRN Price
- Max Purchase Price : Maximum GRN Price
- Curr MA (B) : Moveing Average of the item on the day the report is generated.
- Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B) : As described it is the multiplication of A and B . It takes the historical quantity and multiply with current MA Cost. It gives a total value of the historical stock based on current MA.
- Acc Inv Value(C) : This is the historical stock balance based on the stock / inventory movement.
- Acc Inv Value/unit (C/A) : This Value gives an item unit price based on Historical Accounting Value and Historical Stock Quantity
- Reset MA (D) : Any Cost Adjustment done on the item will be listed here
- Balance Sheet Inventory Value(C+D) : This is combination of Movement and Reset MA amount - which gives the actual value of stock on the selected day.
- Last Purchase : Latest GRN date
Miscellaneous Information:
- Acc Inv Value/unit(C/A) is NOT same as Curr MA (B)
- Reset MA does not have any Stock Movement. Hence Acc Inv Value(C) which is based on movement - does not include the Reset MA amount.
- Balance Sheet Inventory Value(C+D) is comparable to the Balance Sheet Inventory GL Value.
- SBR-05 Historical Stock Balance does not take note of stock movement of Internal Stock Transfer, since the Stock Transfer does not affect the Company Stock Value in any manner.
- Calculation on Acc Inv Value/unit(C/A), refer to
Example item Test_Item has the following transactions:
Transaction | Transaction Date | Quantity | Unit Price (Selling / buying price) | Total stock value change | Balance Quantity | MA Cost | Remark |
GRN 1 | 05/01/13 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10 | 100 | MA Cost Calculated |
GRN 2 | 05/03/13 | 5 | 70 | 350 | 15 | 90 | MA Cost Recalculated: (100*10+70*5)/15 |
Invoice 1 | 05/05/13 | -5 | 150 | -450 | 10 | 90 | MA Cost Remain unchanged |
Reset MA | 05/09/13 | 5 | +10 | 50 | 5 | 110 | MA Cost is set manually from 90.00 to 110.00 . Total amount on the Reset MA is : change of unit price * total balance quantity . So for this case (110.00-90.00)*10 = 200 |
Invoice 2 | 05/11/13 | -1 | 150 | -110 | 4 | 110 |
Generating the SBR-05 on 2nd May 2013
With filter setting date: 1st May 2013
Only one GRN is involved.
No | Item Code | Item Name | UOM | Qty(A) | Min Purchase price | Max Purchase Price | Curr MA (B) | Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B) | Acc Inv Value (C) | Acc Inv Value/unit (C/A) | Reset MA (D) | Balance Sheet Inventory Value (C+D) | Last Purchase |
1 | Test_Item | Test_Item | unit | 10 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 1000 | 1000 | 100 | 0 | 1000 | 05/01/13 |
Generating the SBR-05 on 8th May 2013
With filter setting date: 1st May 2013
Only GRN is involved. However different GRN unit price caused current MA to affect Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B)
No | Item Code | Item Name | UOM | Qty(A) | Min Purchase price | Max Purchase Price | Curr MA (B) | Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B) | Acc Inv Value (C) | Acc Inv Value/unit (C/A) | Reset MA (D) | Balance Sheet Inventory Value (C+D) | Last Purchase |
1 | Test_Item | Test_Item | unit | 10 | 100 | 100 | 90 | 900 | 1000 | 100 | 0 | 1000 | 05/01/13 |
Generating the SBR-05 on 10th May 2013
With filter setting date: 8th May 2013
Different Transactions (with movements) involved. No Reset MA Value.
No | Item Code | Item Name | UOM | Qty(A) | Min Purchase price | Max Purchase Price | Curr MA (B) | Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B) | Acc Inv Value (C) | Acc Inv Value/unit (C/A) | Reset MA (D) | Balance Sheet Inventory Value (C+D) | Last Purchase |
1 | Test_Item | Test_Item | unit | 5 | 70 | 100 | 110 | 550 | 900 | 90 | 0 | 900 | 05/03/13 |
Generating the SBR-05 on 10th May 2013
With filter setting date: 9th May 2013
Transactions with Movement (Invoice & GRN) along with Reset MA (No movement - not effecting Acc Inv Value)
No | Item Code | Item Name | UOM | Qty(A) | Min Purchase price | Max Purchase Price | Curr MA (B) | Inv Value base on Curr MA (A*B) | Acc Inv Value (C) | Acc Inv Value/unit (C/A) | Reset MA (D) | Balance Sheet Inventory Value (C+D) | Last Purchase |
1 | Test_Item | Test_Item | unit | 5 | 70 | 100 | 110 | 550 | 900 | 90 | 200 | 1100 | 05/03/13 |