Menu Path: Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Tax Filing > Input Tax Filling
Input Tax Filing is to file the input tax incurred in purchases and to claim it from Royal Custom.
Below are the main interface of Input Tax Filling function on EMP :
Generate filling cycles of specific branch :
- Click Submit upon selecting the specific Branch from the drop down menu, as shown in the image above
- Upon clicking on Submit, it will display all the filling cycle list
- Click on link labelled File Input Tax according to the related filling cycle
- Click on Un-File if any changes or amendments of filed transaction are required
- Select transactions to be file in this filling cycle
- Click File It to confirm filling selected transaction
- If it is a simplified tax invoice, tick on Simplified Tax column to file it
- Click on the Cross on top right, to close the window upon completing filling up all required transaction.
- The progress indicator has been added to show the process of filling that takes place
- A message will be displayed upon completing filling successfully.
- User can proceed to file more transactions if filling is incomplete.
- Check the filed input tax in Input Tax Invoice Report
Claim Input Tax for the transaction not within the taxable period |
Example: on 11 November 2015, create a back dated Supplier Invoice for rental expenses on 15 July 2015, the input tax amount want to claim on November 2015 taxable period
A: On November filling cycle month, the date From change to previous month date
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