This Budget listing will provide us all the budget that been created earlier. From there, we can find the budget to preview it or delete it even copy it.
Accounting > Budget > Budget Listing
Company : <select your company>
Then, CLICK “Generate Report Now” to show all the budget create
All budget created by your company will be on the list.
Choose the budget you need to preview and click preview.
Click on “Get Budget Detail” and all GL code with the figures created will be on the table
If you want to make any adjustment on the figure that you created, for example, you estimate that your accessories will be higher than usual on Jun 2013, make the adjustment on Jun 2013 column.
Click “Perform Adjustment Now” and after you satisfied with your budget, click on “Convert to Final Budget”.
Besides that, you can also perform your budget virement here.
Budget Virement is an administrative transfer of funds from one part of a budget to another.
Click on Virement button, then, perform the budget virement same as the budget adjustment.