Menu Path: Distribution > Delivery Management > Create Trip
- Key in Collection Time and Remarks;
- Select Staff;
- Trip Coordinator
- Trip Organizer
- Trip Helper
- Trip Delivery Man (if don't have in the list, click Create Delivery Man to create a new one)
- TRIP QC (quality control) part
- Q Controller
- QC Status
- OK
- Not OK
- Completed Trip Location (CTL)
- Vehicle Location
- Completed status
- Trip Checkin Time / Trip Checkout Time
- Click 'Confirm and Save' to complete the information fill in and go to add order item part.
- Key in Sales Order number to the Add Ordered Item box, choose a time and fill in the transport Charges and click 'Submit';
- User may found the 'Select Order' button on the right top of the screen for a selection, or add multiple SO items at the same time. User will see below screen for this function.