- The navigation to the IM-03 Report:
2. The main interface of IM-03 Report that user will be navigating through:
3. The first enhancement:
- The highlighted columns are those new columns has been added next to each respective "Sold" column. The added columns are as follows:
- Sold in last one month
- Sold in last 3 months
- Sold in last 6 months
- This enhancement allows user to make comparison on the quantity sold within the stipulated period.
4. The latest enhancement:
- The latest enhancement added the new filter as in Tick Option to filter result by Sold Last for 1 Month, 3 Month and 6 Months
- This indicates no any table of the report having the width looked disproportion due to previous enhancement made
- If the checkbox is not ticked, the Last Sold quantity will not be displayed separated as in 1 month, 3 months and 6 months, instead the quantity will be displayed in Total amount of previously sold quantities as per shown in the following image.
- The image above illustrates the result filtered by the ticked option
- As shown in the image above, the Sold Last is not ticked, which allows to generate the report without having to show the Sold Last in a single printable page
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