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Full Screen Cash Sale is very similar to the Cashsale except for the layout (covers the whole screen). Other than that, both functions allow users to enter cash, cheque, credit card payments for sales transactions to customers. Full Screen Cash sale is useful for cashiers because of the wide layout of the screen, as everything is presented on the same screen. This helps the cashier enter and extract information easily and quickly. Apart from that, shortcut buttons are also available for the convenience of the cashiers.


  1. To switch a branch, select from drop down list and click "Set".
  2. To switch a salesman, select a salesman from drop down list.
    1. To link an item sale to a particular salesman, switch the salesman before adding the item.
    2. Tick "Assign to Items" to link all the items to the(one) respective salesman. (e.g. In one cash sale, all the items are sold by salesman A.)
    3. Untick "Assign to Items" if the cash sale is made by multiple salesmen. (e.g. In one cash sale, item A sold by salesman A, item B sold by salesman B.)
  3. To hold a cash sale, click "Hold Bill" to save the current unsettle cash sale to the "Recall Bill" drop down list beside. System will automatically perform a "Reset Form*" after it hold a bill.
    1. To recall the previous hold bills, click the "Recall Bill" drop down list and select a previous unsettle bill. (e.g. After adding item A, B and C in one cash sale, "Hold Bill" to perform another cash sale. Then, click "Recall Bill" drop down list and select previous cash sale that consists of item A, B and C to load it.)
    2. Please mind that "Recall Bill" drop down list will ONLY SHOW THE TIMESTAMP generated when "Hold Bill" is performed in descending order(i.e. latest hold bill will be at the first row of the drop down list and the previous bill will be in subsequent rows). 
    3. Once recall the bill, the cash sale WILL NOT BE REAPPEARED IN THE "Recall Bill" DROP DOWN LIST unless "Hold Bill" is performed AGAIN
  4. Users can click "Home" and be redirected to homepage after the cash sale. To view the permission settings under FSCS, click this and proceed to "Permissions".

    Customer Search Widget (5)

  5. Customer is a compulsory input for cash sale. By default, one time customer or walk-in customer will be treated as normal cash account (e.g. 500) where registration is unnecessary. User can insert registered customer by using search widget or insert Account PKID(as in 5.c.). (Please refer to Customer > Maintenance module for more details.) To insert a customer, click CUSTOMER to open search widget.
    1. Insert customer details or keywords in text box to do a fuzzy search. Otherwise, similar operation can be performed by inserting the search criteria in text box beside CUSTOMER. To filter customer status (i.e. all / active  / inactive), choose the option accordingly in the drop down list before enter a "Search".
      * Customer listing can't be deleted. Especially those with transaction. 
    2. To add an account, click "Add Corporate Account" or "Add Personal Account" to create a corporate and personal customer respectively.
    3. Key in this Account PKID in FSCS page to load a customer.
    4. To select a customer from the search result, click the customer Account Name to use that customer in cash sale.
    5. To add a contact person to a customer, click "Add Contact Person" to proceed. The contact person created will be recorded in the respective customer account.
  6. Similar to customer(5), user can insert a registered membercard by using search widget or insert the membercard Assigned Card Number directly. (You may refer to Customer > Membership Program > MemberCard module  module for more details.)
  7. To insert specified billing recipient, key in the recipient details(e.g. name, address etc.) in "Bill To" textbox.

    Select Deposit Settlement (8a-c)

  8. To contra the cash sale from deposit or credit memo created before (as paying mechanism), click "Select Deposit Settlement" or "Select Credit Memo Settlement" respectively.
    1. Select branch from drop down list and click "Submit". You may select multiple branches by using CTRL button or all branches by "Select All" button. (Credit Memo Settlement layout may vary.)
    2. When the receipt list generated, select the equivalent receipt used to contra the cash sales. Key in the amount under "This Payment" column.
    3. To proceed, click "Submit" button below.
  9. To apply group discount(i.e. discount over grand total amount), simply enter the discount percentage or amount in the textboxes respectively. The discount will be automatically result in related GL code. You may ignore GL Dimension(Header) and Sales Lead drop down list.
  10. For cash payment, one click = system generates amount equals to grand total amount(as in 13); otherwise, change the amount manually if the customer makes Multi Payment(as in 12).
  11. To enter card payment, insert the card information accordingly. Merchant drop down list will show all the card payment types and related charges (please refer to Accounting > Maintenance > Configuration > to  Card Payment Config for more details). CC Approval Code and CC Batch are optional. ALWAYS, REMEMBER TO PRESS "ENTER" TO SAVE THE PAYING AMOUNT.

    Other Payment Methods (12a-d)

  12. For other payment methods, simply click OTHER and proceed to Payment Method windows.

    1. For cheque payment, key in the cheque amount in number textbox, cheque number at Cheque # textbox, and select the related cash book(i.e bank account, please refer to  Accounting > Maintenance > Configuration > Cashbook Cash Book Maintenance for more details). Same goes for PD cheque.
    2. If customer uses a coupon in cash sale, user can key in the coupon serial in Serial# textbox. (For coupon creation, please refer to Inventory > Item module for more details)
    3. Alternatively, if there is any other form of cash discount applied, enter the amount in the number textbox and select the related cash book(as in 12a).
    4. After confirming all the details, click "Submit" to proceed.
    5. For more than one coupon payment or multiple cards payment(at most 2 coupons and cards), proceed to Multi Payment
  13. After the payment details are keyed in, here will show all the payment summary, includes total payable amount, paying amount and change(if any).

    Item Search Widget (14a-c)

    Item Edit Widget (14c.i-c.iii)

  14. To add item, simply key in the Item Code in the textbox and click "Submit" to load the item. Alternatively, click the ITEM SEARCH(S) to item search widget to search item.
    1. To begin search, Insert item search criteria or keyword in the textbox.
    2. To refine search, you may refer to descriptions below:
      1. Allow search for description option allows search the item description. Untick this option will make the search result includes only the Item Code.
      2. Show Average Cost option allow the display result to show an additional column of Average Cost/Moving Average Cost of the items. Untick this option will hide such information.
      3. Show Last Cost option allows the display result to show an additional column of Last Purchase Cost of the items. Untick this option will hide such information.
      4. To filter item status (i.e. all / active / inactive), choose the option accordingly in the drop down list before enter a "Search".
      5. To filter item type (e.g. inventory, service, GL code etc), choose the option accordingly in the drop down list before enter a "Search". Default option (i.e. "All") will search all the item types.
    3. To add the item, click either Item Code and Item Name  to select that item. Click Details will lead you to item editing page(please refer to Inventory > Item > Edit Item Item module for more details).
      1. Item Name show the item name as preset when create new item (please refer to Inventory > Item > Add Item Item module for more details), any changes here will update the related item in the system. 
        - Red sentence below Item Name text box is the Sales Prompt from item details, it can be configured at Inventory > Item > Edit Item, under Other Details > Sales Prompt.
        FOC refers to Free of Charge. Tick this box to sell the item as free item.
      2. - Qty (PCS) refers to the quantity to be sold.
        - Price (MYR) refers to the selling price. It can be changed manually (if permission allows, please refer to - Control Panel for more details), or select from Pricing drop down list beside(as in 14c.iii).
        - Discount (MYR) will shown upon inserted in right column (Amount or - Percentage as in 14c.iii) .
        - Net Price (MYR) equals to Price minus Discount.
      3. - Select Pricing drop down list shows all the pricing options(e.g. List Price, Wholesale/Dealer Price and Discount Price 1, 2, 3, it can be configured at Inventory > Item > Edit Item, under Pricing and Costing).
        - Promotion shows the options of available Pricing Matrix(please refer to Inventory > Pricing Matrix Matrix>Createfor more details). Select one option and click Add to apply the related promotion.
        - Discount of item can be inserted in - Amount(in absolute value, e.g. 10.00 = MYR 10.00 of discount amount) or - Percentage(in percentages, e.g. 5.00 = 5% of unit price discount) and click Add to apply the discount.
        - Recalculate Discount applies if user change the item price after adding the discount.
        - Remove Discount to remove all the discount added, including Promotion/Pricing Matrix.
      4. Serial Number List text box allows you to insert one serial number manually.
        - Otherwise, for selling multiple serialized same items, user can use this Delimiter column. Copy the multiple serial numbers from data source to the big text box, and order by available delimiter choice.
        - New Line: one line one serial number, click "Enter" to insert new line
        - Comma: "," as delimiter
        - Tab:
        - Semi Colon: ";" as delimiter
        - Pipe: "|"(Shift +\) as delimiter
        - Space: " " as delimiter
        Click Add after pasting the serial number with correct delimiter to add them into the cash sale list.
        Click Remove to 
      5. Balance Qty (PCS) shows the current balance of the related item in the branch set(as in 1).
        - Remarks(optional) text box can be used to put additional information of the sale of the related item.

    Item Edit Widget (14c.i-c.iii)

  15. To perform other tasks such as change cash sale date or reprint cash sale, click "Optional" tab to proceed.
  1. To reprint a previous cashsale made, click the optional button, enter a the cashsale number and click 'Reprint'.
  2. To change the date, click the optional button and Click 'Set'.
  3. To select which you want the cashsale to be printed, click optional button, select a format for which you want the cashsale to be printed. Click 'Set'.