2.1 All Task Queue Outbound
2.1.1 All Task Queue Outbound -> Listing page
The listing page is where Admins, Owners, and Managers can view all available outbound tasks, their details, and assignment status. The available fields are:
Task Code: brief task description
Team Code: Team Task is assigned to. (The task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time)
Agent Code: Agent Task is assigned to (Task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time).
Channel: WhatsApp/ Email/ SMS/ Telegram Messenger/Voice-Call task
Description: task description in more detail
Priority: Priority (1-10) of task
Create Date: Created date of task
Update Date: Updated date of task
2.1.2 All Task Queue Outbound -> Listing Bulk Actions
If the Tick boxes in the all task queue outbound listing component are selected it will activate the Bulk actions. The available actions in listing component are:
ASSIGN_WORKER: used to update assignment to “AGENT” or “TEAM”
COMPLETE: complete tasks
CANCEL: cancel tasks
UNASSIGN: used to update assignment to “UNASSIGN”
Fig 14 : all-task-queue-listing-bulk-actions
After selecting ASSIGN_WORKER option from drop down the WORKER_TYPE field will be displayed where “AGENT” or “TEAM” can be selected as shown below
Fig 15 : all-task-queue-listing-bulk-actions-ASSIGN_WORKER-part-1
Afterwards the suitable “AGENT” or “TEAM” can be selected from the available list as shown below
Fig 16 : all-task-queue-listing-bulk-actions-ASSIGN_WORKER-part-2
All Task Queue Outbound -> Edit page
This page allows “task details” and “task status” and “task assignment” to be updated.
Details That can be updated:
Fig 17 : all-task-queue-outbound- edit-part-1
“Task Status” and “Task Assignment” can be updating by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below:
Fig 18 : all-task-queue-edit-part-2
Team Task Queue Outbound
Team Task Queue Outbound -> Listing page
This listing page is where members of a Team can view all outbound tasks assigned to a particular team. The available details in the list include:
Task Code: brief task description
Team Code: Team Task is assigned to. (Task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time)
Channel: WhatsApp/ Email/ SMS/ Telegram Messenger/Voice-Call task
Description: task description in more detail
Priority: Priority (1-10) of task
Create Date: Created date of task
Update Date: Updated date of task
Fig 19 : team-task-queue-listing
Team Task Queue Listing Outbound -> Bulk Actions
If the Tick boxes in the all task queue listing component are selected it will activate the Bulk actions. The available actions in listing component are:
ASSIGN_TO_ME: used to update assignment to the user
UNASSIGN: used to update assignment to “UNASSIGN”
Fig 20 : team-task-queue-listing-bulk-actions
Team Task Queue Outbound -> Edit page
This page allows “task assignment” to be updated. “Task Assignment” can be updating by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below:
Actions available:
Fig 21 : team-task-queue-edit
My Task Queue Outbound
My Task Queue Outbound -> Listing page
This listing page is where members of a Team can view all outbound tasks assigned to a particular team. The available details in the list include:
Task Code: brief task description
Team Code: Team Task is assigned to. (Task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time)
Channel: WhatsApp/ Email/ SMS/ Telegram Messenger/Voice-Call task
Description: task description in more detail
Priority: Priority (1-10) of task
Create Date: Created date of task
Update Date: Updated date of task
Fig22 : my-task-queue-listing
My Task Queue Listing Outbound -> Bulk Actions
If the Tick boxes in the all task queue listing component are selected it will activate the Bulk actions. The available actions in listing component are:
IN-PROGRESS: task status changed to in progress
COMPLETED: task status changed to in completed
CANCELED: task status changed to in canceled
UNASSIGNED: task status changed too unassigned
Fig 23 : my-task-queue-listing-bulk-actions
My Task Queue Outbound -> Edit page
“Task Status” and “Task Assignment” can be updating by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below:
Fig 24 : my-task-queue-edit