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title | Create SINV for FOC Item |
| ![](https://bigledger.atlassian.net/wiki/download/thumbnails/101450230/image2017-4-20_14-14-26.png?version=1&modificationDate=1492668871348&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=800)
The new enhancement: - Select the appropriate BranchSelect Supplier to select the supplier OR key in an appropriate Supplier PKID Number
- Key in the Supplier PKID number or click on the Supplier link to search.
- Key in an appropriate description for the Free of Charge Item on the Remarks field (See the example above).
- Select the Branch from the drop down menu list and choose Add Item button.
- Upon clicking the Add Item, the item list will be displayed as shown in the image above.
- As shown in the image above, the list will be created without a Debit any amount enteredTake note of the Amount columnbeing entered.