Menu Path: Procurement > Remote Server Synchronization > RSS PR To SR Conversion
2 permissions are involved in this procedure
I-Trading-> Receive Stock By Branch
II-Procurement > Remote Server Synchronization > RSS PR To SR Conversion.
For the user being able to access the function on the CLIENT side user XXX must have both permissions on the CLIENT side.
For the Transaction to go through on the HOST side user XXX have to have at least permission I on the HOST side.
Lets say CLIENT's customer name on the HOST's server is SOROOSH and host supplier account name on CLIENT's machine is SINA then you need to create a customer name SOROOSH in CLIENT's server and attach them
as a customer supplier pair in Intercompany Stock Transfer Configuration as you can see below
after going through all the 3 steps above we are good to connect to the host's server.
go to the function mentioned in step 0 you see a page Like This
the fields are
A-Branch : any branch you set here will be used as the branch for GRN which will be created.
B- Customer : choose the same customer that you have mapped to CLIENT's customer account as added in step 3 above.
C-webservice URI : lets say your server with which you want to synch is located at so you need to type in URL address in the field (
D- date range : tells the SERVER to pull out the invoices issued to CUSTOMER-A in this date range
E- Password: Enter User XXX's Password on the HOST server (step 1).