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Related Applets - Merchant Admin(MAA)
Merchant Admin Applet is an applet to configure the relation between a merchant and payment channel.
Related applets for configuration:
Organization Applet
To create company
Payment Channel Applet
To create list of payment channel
To create payment channel contract with the company
Tax Configuration Applet
To create tax and it will be display as an option in the MAA
Merchant Access Applet
To access the reports and accept the offer of the rate for the contract.
Steps to use Merchant Admin Applet:
Create a merchant
Add necessary details for the merchant
Create a contract (be reminded that a merchant can have one or more contract):
Contract linked between a merchant and a company (can be created in the organization applet)
4. Create a rate card
a. Once created, it will display payment channel related to the company in the payment channel applet that have contract together)
b. If a new contract is made in the payment channel applet with the company, the rate card needs to be deleted and a new one should be created.
5. Go in the rate card and it will display list of payment channels.
6. Click on any rate and create charge list
a. Once a charge rate is added, please save in the rate card in order to be reflected in merchant access.
7. Go to Merchant Access Applet to view the contract and rate card
a. Check whether the rate is offered (if offered, you may accept the rate for each of the payment channel)
8. Go to Merchant Admin if you want to activate the payment channel in order to view in the CP Commerce side.
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