5.0 Create Category

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5.0 Create Category

5.1 Category Listing

Next, we will look into the “Category” module. Upon clicking on the “Category” module, users will see the Category Listing showing all the categories of employees.


5.2 Create New Category

To create a new Category, click on the ‘+’ button.


In Category Create, users can create different employee categories to group the employees.

When creating a Category, users will be prompted to fill up the following fields:

  1. Category Code (Compulsory)

  2. Category Name (Compulsory)

  3. Description

  4. Parent category (Optional)

Users can select a parent category for the current category to link it to a parent category. For example, there can be a parent category called “Accountant”. Users can then create a “Senior Accountant” category and link it to the “Accountant” parent category.

Each category has its own value level. This level value is based on the hierarchy of the category. If the category does not have a parent category, its level will be 1. Based on our example, the “Accountant” category will have level value of 1 whereas “Senior Accountant” will have a level value of 2.

Upon filling up all the details for the category, users can click on the “Create” button to create the category.

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