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2.0 Stock Take Session
Before starting a stock take, you can first create a stock device This is a one-time setup process.
To access the Stock Take Session, click on the first icon in the side menu bar. The main page is the Stock Session Listing, where users can:
Create a New Stock Session
Edit an existing ones
Find any created sessions using the Advanced Search Filter
2.1 To Create a New Stock Session
A green success message will appear, indicating that the stock session has been successfully created. The newly created session will then be added to the Stock Session Listing for further management or edits
2.2 Assigning a Device
If you need to allocate multiple people/devices to work together on one stock session at the same time to speed up counting. Repeat the steps to assign additional devices
All assigned devices will be listed together in the stock session as shown below
2.3 Starting the Stock Take
There are multiple ways to begin a stock take and scan the barcode or serial number of an item.
Using the web version may not be the most user-friendly option due to difficulties in detecting barcodes. For a smoother experience, it is highly recommended to use the mobile app.
2.3.1 Manual Scanning of Items
2.3.2 Filling in Item Details:
Serial Number Type:
Choose the appropriate scanner type from the dropdown menu.
Click on the 'SCAN' button.
Scan Code:
Manually type in the code of the item based on the serial type.
Alternatively, click on the search icon to add the item from a list.
UOM (Unit of Measure):
This field will be automatically filled based on the item scanned.
Adjust the quantity of the scanned item.
Optionally, add any relevant remarks about the item.
2.3.3 Saving the Record
2.3.4 Scanning Additional Items
2.4 Records
In the Records tab, all entries are consolidated. This section compiles records from all sessions across different devices and users. Each record is displayed line by line.
For example, as shown in the screenshot below:
Under the device name 'My Device', 7 individual lines are displayed for the items scanned during the session.
Additionally, there are 4 lines displayed under 'Siti' and 1 line under 'Razer Fizi'.
Users can click on any of these records in the list to edit or remove them as needed.
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