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Permission Set
Permission Set Listing
Upon clicking into the Permission Set, you'll see a list of sets, each belonging to a Permission Template and containing one or more lines for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). For example, branches have distinct sets for these operations.
For each of these Permission Sets, there will be at least one or more permission set lines which consist of the permission lines configured to the targets. Targets can be a company, branch, or location. By doing so, the targets are given permissions to perform certain operations.
ONLY users with ADMIN or OWNER rank in the applet can have Read and Update access to assign permissions to users in other ranks, such as MEMBER. Users who have MEMBER ranks only have READ permissions.
Create Permission Set
Click on the “+” button to create a permission set.
<img src="Permissions-2.png" alt="Permissions-2.png"/>
Upon clicking on the "+" button, an "Add Permission Set" tab will pop out from the right.
In this tab, the details to be filled are as follows:
Only Description is OPTIONAL: Description of the Permission Set.
All fields with the * symbol indicate information that is compulsory to be filled up by users to create the Permission Set.
Permission Templates can be created in the Developer SysAdmin Applet internally by BLG employees. For more information, please refer to Role Permission Listing.
Configure Permission Set Lines (Editing your targets within the set line)
Upon clicking on the Configure Permission Targets field, a “Configure Permission Set Lines” tab will pop out and it consists of a Permission Set Lines listing.
Users may choose Permission Set Line relatively.
Upon clicking on the permission set line, an "Edit Permission Set Line" will pop out and users will need to click on the “Target” field to select a target.
Adding a Target
A list of targets either companies, branches, or locations depending on the Permission Template, will be shown. Users can select only one target. After selecting the target, users can click on the "Save" button to save the target selected.
Upon clicking the “Save” button, users will be redirected to the previous page. The target selected will be displayed. Users have to click on the “Save” button again to save this Permission Set Line.
Users will then be directed back to the “Add Permission Set” tab. The Configure Permission Targets field will have "CONFIGURED" shown, meaning that the target has successfully been configured. Users can repeat the steps for each Permission Set Line and assign a target to it respectively.
When all Permission Targets have been configured, users can click on the “Save” button to save the respective Permission Set.
To assign the same permission set to multiple targets, users will need to create multiple different permission sets. Each permission set will consist of the same permission lines but can have a different naming convention. Users will have to assign each permission set to one respective target. The faster and easier way is to use the Permission Wizard to generate permission sets.
Edit Permission Set
To edit a Permission Set, users can click on the respective Permission Set in the Permission Set listing.
The process flow of editing a permission set is similar to the process flow of creating a permission set. Users have to click on the “Save” button to ensure that the changes made have been saved. To delete the permission set, users will have to click on the “Delete” button at the very bottom.
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