User to login into . User will be directed to the homepage.
Click on the Stock Take Staff Applet with the orange icon.
**Users can customize their display screen either to be in single screen or split screen by clicking the toggle column beside the search box. By default the screen will be set as Split Screen Display.
i. Split Screen Display
ii. Single Screen Display
3. When you click on the Stock Take applet, you will be able to view the Stock Take listing.
4 (a). Digi Store Head need to create the Stock Take session. Click on the Plus icon.
4 (b): The Store Head need to key in the Session details. Please use the standard naming convention: DS-Branch - Month Year. Eg: DS-Cheras - Aug 2021
5. Search for your DS name. Search for your Branch and Session in the Search field.
6. The PIC need to select on the respective Session from the Listing.
7. After clicking on the Session, the page will be redirected to Devices tab. User need to click on their own name to start scanning the items.
8. Once you have clicked on your own name, the page will redirect you to the Records tab. Click on the “+” (plus) icon to proceed to scan the items.
9. User can proceed to scan the item at the red highlighted box and press the Enter button.
10. After press Enter, the item will be saved at the Item Code field below and the Quantity box will be auto-filled as 1. (The default Qty is 1). User can edit the Quantity.
11. For Serialized item, the Serial Number box will appear at the bottom when user press Enter after scanning the Item Code. User need to scan the Serial Number and press Enter. After press Enter, the Serial Number will be listed below. The Quantity will automatically changed to Quantity Scan, and the Quantity Scan will be updated as per the number of Serial Numbers scanned by the User.
12. After scanned the item and updated the Quantity, user need to click on the Save & Continue button. After click on Save & Continue button, user can continue to scan other items.
13. When all the Items have been scanned and Saved, user need to click on the “back arrow” icon.
14. When click on the “back arrow” icon, the user will be redirected to the Records Listing screen. User will be able to see the items that have been scanned.
15. After all the users have completed the Stock Take Session, the Store Head need to go to the Report tab and click on Advanced Search icon and select Active Items only, and click on the Search button.
16. Next, the Store Head need to click on the Generate button.
17. After clicking on the Generate button, the list of items will appear at the table below. Next, the Store Head need to click on the Upload Reason button.
18. When click on the Upload Reason button, user will be redirected to the Export/Upload screen.
19. User need to select the Active Items at the Report Type field.
20. The Store Head need to click on the Export button and the list of Active items will be downloaded in the excel file.
21. The Store Head need to open the Excel file and fill in the reasons. Please ensure that all the Items with Variance need to have the Reasons filled in.
22. Next, the Store Head or the PIC, need to upload the Excel file which the Reasons are all filled in. The PIC may Upload or use Drag and Drop feature.
23. Place the cursor and click on the blue box which has written message “Drop file to attach or click to browse”.
24. Next, select the Excel file which has the Reasons filled in.
25. After you have selected the Excel file, the file will be shown at the bottom.
26. Next, please click on the Fill the Reason button.
27. After all the users have completed the Stock Take Session, the Store Head need to go to the Details tab and change the Stock Take session from Open to Close and click on the Save button on the top right corner. Once the Stock Take session is Closed, the Stock Take is Completed.