New Feature
Issue Number | Affected Screen | New Feature | Programmer |
WH-11718 | (new screen) | Edit Batch and expiry function | Waqqas |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Permission | Programmer |
Bug Fixes
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Problem | Programmer |
WH-13896 | CC-07 Historical Trans Aging Analysis | Outstanding is not correct | Ida |
WH-11889 | CC-07 Historical Trans Aging Analysis | Aging summary is not correct | Ida |
WH-9800 | Search Item Widget | Item qty and batch qty not same | Ida |
WH-12659 | Customer (AR) Bad Debt Relief | Reversed CM is showing in the Bad Debt instead of Giving options (check box) to Claim again | Ida |
WH-13071 | SR-09 report | Status filter in SR-09 report not working | Quang |
WH-10897 | SSR-03 | the processing indicator is not disappear in kendo ui | Kasra |
WH-11372 | Sell Thru Price Volatility report | If select specific customer instead of All customer report will auto disappear after few second | Kasra |
WH-8412 | CC-07 | Outstanding amount is wrong | Ida |
WH-13937 | SBR-02 | Cannot view cost columns | Ida |
WH-11285 | Create GRN, PO | Decimal point in unit price issue | Rayhan |
WH-13870 | Create GRN - Item Popup | GRN - add item pop up - the Net Price is not showing | Rayhan |
WH-13363 | Stock Adjustment & Inventory Config | Stock Balance shows balance with 6 decimal place | Arnold |
WH-13266 | Webservice SOAP with MTOM | File size issue to big | Stephen |
WH-11577 | Create Workshop Jobsheet | Workshop jobsheet, added group discount before add purchase non stock will show weird discount | Waqqas |
WH-11709 | Edit Invoice | Fix update of receipt amount in multi-payment invoices | Waqqas |
WH-14453 | (no screen) | Set From email address properly when sending email | Waqqas |
WH-11283 | SO Listing Details | GL Dimension filter doesn't work for SO Listing Details report | Quang |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Enhancement required | Programmer |
WH-11633 | Document Popup GRN | If GRN relates to PO then PO should appear in GRN document popup | Quang |
WH-13995 | Accounting > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet | :accReceivable GLCode amount add a new link to Historical AR Balance | Ida |
WH-9391 | GRN Printable | Display batch number and qty in printables | Rayhan |
WH-13141 | Cashbook > Adjustment | missing date calender selection | Rayhan |
WH-13999 | Accounting > Financial Statements > Profit and Loss Statement | inventoryCost GLCode amount add a new link to Stock Flow Report | Ida |
WH-11491 | IM-03 Report | Request to add "Minimum Selling Price" to be appear in IM03 Report | Waqqas |
WH-8284 | Create Sales Order | When search name (the name have space) in the customer column (box) at create SO, it will go to Fuzzy search and need to search again | Waqqas |
WH-8213 | Edit Invoice | Show combined total of main receipt & multi-payment receipts instead of only main receipt | Waqqas |
WH-13921 | Item Upload | Stricter validation, add documentation on Input/ Output - Inclusive/ Exclusive Tax on Upload Item Code. | Waqqas |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Permission | Programmer |
WH-14247 | Stock Requisition | Quang |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Configuration | Programmer |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Description | Programmer |
WH-11118 | - | change Plugin in the dealer Server : Data Cleansing for Other serialized / non-serialized items | Saria |
When search name (the name have space) in the customer column (box) at create SO, it will go to Fuzzy search and need to search again