Sales Order Menu
Sales Order - Listing
Upon creation, all the sales orders are listed here. Users may click on the desired sales order to view the main, customer account, line items, delivery, attachments, and other details to view and edit.
Advanced Search
The advance search box below helps refine the search and allows the user to specify requirements by branch, customer, date, status, and marketplaces when searching from the list of sales orders.
Branch: A branch office is an outlet for a company.
Customer Name: Account or entity name the sales order is linked to.
Created Date: Sales order creation date
Status: Current status of the sales order (Active / Inactive)
Marketplace Status: Current marketplace status of the sales order (Pending / Delivered / Canceled / To Ship / Shipped / Failed and others)
Final Posting
Upon creation, the posting status of the sales order document is ‘DRAFT'.
Users can post the document(s) to ‘FINAL’ status once the sales order is confirmed. As shown in the screen below, the user selected the provided checkboxes from the listing and clicked on the FINAL button to bulk post the desired sales order to 'FINAL’ Status.
Create New Sales Order
Go to the Sales Order menu, click on the '+' button to Create a New Sales Order.
Sales Order - Main tab
You may key in the main details of the new document OR copy/Knock Off from other documents.
It is, however, advisable to use 'Knock Off from other documents' because it can be traced and the outstanding reports will be meaningful.
(Here I am going to create a new document)
In order to proceed and start on Sales Order Applet, kindly make sure that you have created company, branch, Location details in Organization Applet.
Branch: A branch office is an outlet for a company.
Location: A place to store physical inventory for sale or distribution.
Reference: For sales orders, it's very common to reference a customer's incoming purchase order number.
Transaction Date: The date when the transaction or dealing occurs.
Credit Terms: An agreement between the buyer and seller about the timings and payment to be made for the goods bought on credit.
Credit Limit: Maximum amount of credit offered to the customer.
Sales Agent: The authorized and appointed professional who sold or distributed the products or services to the customer.
Currency: To determined based on the pricing condition what you are maintaining.
Permit No: Sellers permit number.
CRM Contact: Specify the contact for whom the sales order is being created.
Sales Lead: The retail sales worker who is responsible for coordinating, ensuring, and ensuring the sales orders are reached to the customer.
Membercard: A card issued by your company to the customer to indicate membership of a membership scheme.
Tracking ID: An ID or code is assigned to the sales order to typically print on the shipping label.
Remarks: Add extra information to accounts, customers cards, or sales orders to communicate agreements, such as a special price or delivery method, to other users.
Sales Order - Account tab
As you are creating a contract between your organization and a Customer for the supply of specified goods and/or services.
In order to proceed and start on Sales Order Applet, kindly make sure that you have created Customer details in the Customer Maintenance Applet.
Entity ID: Customer Code, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Name: Customer Name, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Status: Active or Inactive. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Type: Corporate or Individual. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Identity Type: IC or Passport, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
ID Number: IC or Passport number, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Currency: To determined based on the pricing condition what you are maintaining. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
GL Code: A number used to record business transactions in the general ledger. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Description: Additional notes. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Email: A central email through which customers want to communicate. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Phone Number: A central phone number through which customers want to communicate. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Details
All relevant information from the Customer master record will be copied from here to the sales order.
Click on the Entity ID
Seach Customers from the list
Upon selecting the customer, master record details will be auto-filled. As shown in the screen below
Bill To
A bill to is the customer who pays for the sales order. It can be different than the sold-to customer. We need to make sure the addresses are defined in the customer mainetance applet.
Based on the entity selected, the bill to details gets auto-filled and are editable.
Click on the billing address
Upon selecting the address, the billing address details get auto-filled and are editable.
When editing, you may tick the checkbox if you wish to update the customer address records for future retrievals.
Ship To
A ship to is the customer who receives the specified goods and/or services in the sales order. It can be different than the sold-to customer. We need to make sure the addresses are defined in the customer mainetance applet.
Based on the entity selected, the bill to details gets auto-filled and are editable.
Click on the shipping address
Upon selecting the address, the shipping address details get auto-filled and are editable.
When editing, you may tick the checkbox if you wish to update the customer address records for future retrievals.
Sales Order - Line Items tab
Sales Order - Settlement tab
Sales Order - Department Hdr tab
Edit Existing Sales Order
Sales Order - Main tab
Sales Order - Account tab
Sales Order - Line Items tab
Sales Order - Delivery Details tab
Sales Order - Settlement tab
Sales Order - Department Hdr tab
Sales Order - Attachments tab
Sales Order - Export tab
Sales Order - Ecomsync tab
Sales Order - Status tab
Line Item Manu
Line Items - Listing
Line Item - Details tab
Stock Availability
Costing Details
Pricing Details
Issue Link
Doc LInk
Ecomsync Dashboard Menu
Lazada Dashboard
Dashboard Main
Dashboafrd Total Orders
Dashboard Total Sales
Shoppee Dashboard
Dashboard Main
Dashboafrd Total Orders
Dashboard Total Sales
Ecomsync Scheduler Menu
Cron Expressions
Batch Printing Menu
Settings Menu
System Configuration
Field Settings
Default Selection
Printable Format Settings
Custom Status
Client Side Permissions
Applet Access
Server Side Permissions
Permission Set
User Permission
Team Permission
Role Permission
Developer Tools
Applet Log
Reset Applet State
This applet allows you to create, view, update and delete Sales Orders.
EcomSync Dashboard Menu
: The dashboard, where users can view and analyze sales, by store (e.g Shopee, Lazada, and other marketplaces) their daily, weekly, monthly, and custom date orders report in the form of charts.
EcomSync Scheduler: Creating schedulers as per the business operations to sync orders from multiple marketplaces to one place.
Batch Printing: Users can print Sales Orders in bulk with their desired printable format.
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