Item Maintenance Module:
Listing shows all your Items that are synced from EMP and Marketplace. Inside the listing the item can be 2 levels, where by the first level is the one that is synced from EMP or the one that user created themselves, and the 2nd level shows the items that were synced to marketplace:
User may customize the AG-Grid listing, where by they can move around and filter the headers of the listing
Creating an Item :
When creating the Item user have to fill in basic information such as :
Users must tick “EcomSync checkbox” otherwise the item won't be showing in the listing.
Based UOM is the smallest unit of measurement that will be used.
Once the user fills in all the details they may save the Item. A success message will pop up to indicate that the item has been saved.
3. User will be redirected to EDIT page once they click on the Create Item button.
Edit Product and “How to sync to the marketplace?”
Main Detail Tab shows the basic details that were filled in the creation part.
Dimension Details Tab is where the user can key in all the dimensional detail of an item.
Manage Image Tab is used as a storage to save all the images of the item, so later when syncing the item user can select the images they have created before.
Create Image: when user press “+” button it will open 2nd column where user upload the image, select the category, write down the name and select the dates
The 3 types of image type (Main / Promotion / Additional) are used to categories for easier user reference.
Selection dates are used to specify the start date and end date for easier user reference.
Marketplace Tabs are used to view the listing of what marketplace this item is synced to and also used to sync to the new marketplace store. In addition users were allowed to update/delete the item that was synced to the marketplace store.
Create Tab is used for syncing the chosen item into a marketplace store. Create consist of 2 types :
Create Single is used when user wants to sync 1 (one) item into the marketplace.
Create single item consist of 2 tabs:
Store Tab is used to select the store the user wants to sync to. Users may choose multiple stores.
Once the Store is chosen user will have to choose category:
Item Tab is used to select the current item that you are editing and want to sync to marketplace:
Once the store and the category has been chosen user has to press “start listing” button which will bring to the summary page:
Update/ Delete Item is when users want to update or delete the item that was sync to the marketplace they will have to go to “Marketplace Tab” select the store from the current listing and update/delete the item:
Create Group is used to create group items that have variants such as color or size (depends on the item category). The process of selecting the store and item is the same. However when filling up the item attribute the user has to fill in each selected child item to specify the variants as shown in the attachments below :
Stock Availability Tab is used to set the stock balance for chosen items. This section shows you a list of all stores along with the stock balance that the chosen item has been synced. In order to configure the stock user need to click on the specific store that needs to be configure:
Stock Balance Tab is when user can select whether they want to configure the stock manually or auto:
Sales Order Tab does allow user to configure the sales order:
Active - all active Sales Order will be configured
Inactive - none of the Sales Order will be configured
Selective Active - if user wants to select Sales Order from specific branches
Order Module:
Order Listing:
Listing shows all your orders that are synced from Marketplace.
Users can click on the “Search” bar and use filters such as “Order ID” and click the “Search” button at the bottom of the filter to get the result.
Users can also click on the “Filter” button under the search bar and choose according to user’s choice either
All orders
Ready to ship
All orders - allows user to view all Sales Orders
New Orders - Allows the user to view new orders that has been placed recently
Ready to ship - this section allows the user to print all the consignment notes that are related to the order. In addition it allows them to generate invoices for those stores that do not provide invoices such as Shopee.
Shipped - section is where status or order has been received and shipped by courier and has tracking movement and details.
The Delivered - section reminds users of the delivery status of the order whether it has been successfully delivered or not.
Canceled - section is a section for users if their orders are in status of cancelled.
Action feature is used for:
Order Details
When clicking on order, the details of order will be shown in each tab as image below:
Details Tab - allows to view full information about the Order and the price
Item Tab - allows to view how many items in one specific order
Shipping Carrier - general information on the shipping carrier
Customer Details - allows to view full detail of the customer
Processing Flow - allows you to view the history of action that was taken for specific order
Dashboard provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators of your shop and it is divided into three parts :
Users can filter by Custom Date , 7 Days and 30 Days.
2. This Dashboard > Main page shows a summary of:
Total sales by Store
Daily Sales
Total Sales
Total Orders
Total canceled Orders
Top Selling Products
Top Selling Categories
Top Selling Branch
For the Sales page, Users can also filter by Custom Date , 7 Days and 30 Days.
2. This Dashboard > Sales page shows a summary of:
Total Sales Tab (Indepth Report)
Daily Sales Tab (Indepth Report)
Total Sales by Store Tab (Indepth Report)
For the Order page, Users can also filter by Custom Date , 7 Days and 30 Days.
2. This Dashboard > Order page shows a summary of:
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