Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Affected ScreenNew FeatureIssue Number
Distribution > Delivery Management > Delivery Item Tracking

new printable page based on the report

Accounting > Fixed AssetFixed Asset Item MaintenanceWMSSD-548
Control Panel > Developer > Special Utilities > Special PatchesOne time upgrade for invoice terms dateWMSSD-934
SBR-10Export to excelMYSAMSUNG-225
audit trailnew printable pageMYSAMSUNG-12
Cash Transfer ListingCheque Printing at Cash Transfer FeatureWMSSD-583
FSCS, Create invoice, New Sales OrderMinor enhancements in customer creation: gender, Date of Birth and NRICWMSSD-697
Data Fix -> Fixing receipt with card chargersData fix for Fixing receipt with card chargersWMSSD-1057
Upload BOMUpload BOMWMSSD-806
Batch Create Supplier CM using SOAP with MTOMBatch Create Supplier CM using SOAP with MTOM WMSSD-576
Distribution > Edit Sales Order > Item Level > Delivery BookTBM - Web calendar slot booking / delivery scheduleWMSSD-268
Internal Stock Transfer and Stock RequisitionNew approval for internal stock transfer before it converted to real stock transferMYSAMSUNG-276



Affected ScreenPermissionIssue Number
Edit Invoice

Add new permission -> Edit Invoice -> Edit Payment to block user to edit payment of an invoice

Internal Stock TransferCan Approve Stock TransferMYSAMSUNG-276
Create Invoice/Cashsale, Create ISTPermission To Edit Item Price By Item Type WMSSD-1048


Bug Fixes

Affected ScreenProblemIssue Number

Edit Customer -> Other -> Vehicle -> Delete Vehicle

Cannot delete as there is errorWMSSD-701



 CI-02 Sales Report By Customer (Summary)Customer Type filter not working correctlyWMSSD-382
Workshop Daily Sales ReportThe parts amount is not showingWMSSD-849, WMSSD-803
Create Sales OrderCannot create Sales OrderWMSSD-689
Create Payment VoucherCannot create Payment Voucher if xchange rate is emptyWMSSD-946

Trading > Internal Stock Transfer > Create

After loading the page the Cursor must be in Item text Box

Stock Requisition Multi BranchDuplicate Stock Requisition is createdWMSSD-898
Serial Number AdjustmentPop up error when do the adjustment serial numberMYSAMSUNG-218
Stock AdjustmentDoesn't recorded Quantity adjusted for "decimal" type itemWMSSD-883
Create Internal Stock TransferLoad GRN : Cant editWMSSD-956
Wavelet Barcode v0.19Cannot connect to web servicesWMSSD-188
Return Customer Consignment After return serialized item, system not key in back the serial numberWMSSD-680

Control Panel > Developer > Organization Structure > Company : Edit

User suppose not to be able to inactive Company when there is any active branch under that company

Create GRN by POHave Warning error Ref. No already used in exsiting GRN but Ref.No not the same (Error doesn't exist inWMSSD-960

Workshop -> Purchase Non-Stock

Now system allow user to backdated GRN date,request to have permission

Workshop -> Daily Sales ReportProblem with Calculation of the total amountWMSSD-849

Delivery Item tracking

Invoice column did not show invoice no properly

Full Screen Cash Sale -> Payment by credit cardThe credit card charges is not charged to correct GLWMSSD-1051
Full Screen Cash SaleCash Sale can't be printed using PDFWMSSD-1037

GL Listing

Get List button doesn't untick (refresh) ticks when pressed again

External Module - *E-Commerce - Banners

Details Not Editable

Create Invoice, Create GRN, Create ISTsystem did not show correct quantity when more than 25 serial numbers are submitted in item widget.WMSSD-1008
CCF-02Add Branch code of Ref DocumentWMSSD-695
CI-01Net Sales > Sales Return suppose not take entity_key from invoice_indexWMSSD-456
Qubida logshippingQubida: Data source has week number, year and month combination problem at the first week of the yearMYSAMSUNG-317
PSI ReportThrowing error when generating for Last week of the yearMYSAMSUNG-248
Process Queue Incomingcan't be processed if customer name contains single quotation (')MYSAMSUNG-294
PSI ReportNot generating for 28th December 2014 onwardMYSAMSUNG-314
PSI ReportReport shows data even the purchase, sales and inventory all are zeroMYSAMSUNG-316
PSI ReportExport to CSV is throwing errorMYSAMSUNG-326
Emp new themeNew theme did not include scroll down bar in every multi-option select boxWMSSD-874
Invoice CreateHUAT MING : Stock out location not correctWMSSD-568
 SR-06 Stock Sales by Item CodeSR-06 : sum of COGS and GP is not match with Sub Total showing -> Printable PageWMSSD-985
Vehicle Added (Close button)Add new customer & vehicle prompts out message "Duplicate Customer".WMSSD-1063
Invoice (Reprint)After Edit Cash Sales/Invoice, Vehicle Details not showing in Reprint InvoiceWMSSD-1074
Package item search widgetPricing Matrix for package item is not applied correctly if click from "package" linkWMSSD-1084
Create InvoiceInvoice cannot reprintWMSSD-1092
Stock Adjustmentinsert serial 61023 00102291307332, system will auto select 6102300102291307332WMSSD-586
All stock in and stock out page, Stock Adjustment and Serial Number AdjustmentAllow space in serial numberWMSSD-1100
Distribution -> Order Taking -> Create Sales OrderEdit SO -  quantity outstanding is wrong after save Sales OrderWMSSD-1111





Affected ScreenEnhancement requiredIssue Number

SR-08 Sales Report by Daily, Weekly or Monthly

Add new printable page to group all the level and show the total amount only

Audit Trail Report If user create new customer, add customer pkid in the recordWMSSD-704
Inventory->Item->Add Item by category

Enlarge item code & use text box for item name in Invertory->Item->Add Item by category


Create Invoice

Show msg that INV already created for SO (for SOs that already have INV)


Procurement > Transaction > Direct Receiving Stock > Item widget (Non-serialized Item)

Add configuration to show / hide serial number list


Customer > Query / Reports > Customer listing

Show Dealer Name before customer PKID

Make it configurable under EMP Config > Customer

Supplier -> Creditor -> Detailed Purchase Records By SupplierItem code auto populate to Stock Movement ReportWMSSD-694
All pagesRemove Unnecessary JQuery Files, Add new version of KendoUIWMSSD-1009
Monitor Outstanding Document , AR Transaction & Billing Statement

Customer Module > Fuzzy search doesn't come up if key in customer name directly to the page


OR-12: Batch and Expiry Report

Enhance multi location select

Extended module> footwear>reports>custom report>auto-genarated closing
set the default to only status "Active" for this auto generated



All menu and generate reportcan operate in mobile phone, generate menu using kendo UIWMSSD-580
SP-04Modify the page as standard UIWMSSD-80
Home pagespecify the new link : Release NotesWMSSD-560
Extended Modules > Footwear > Article Maintenance > Edit  ArticleEnhance to support GSTWMSSD-915
Rest Web Service > Create Jobsheet APIAdd additional field in item level(remarks) in RestJobsheetItemModelWMSSD-717
Inventory > Item > Add Item > Add Pseudo Code ItemPut on any edit(add/edit/remove) on Audit Trail MYSAMSUNG-198

Knock off payment voucher

Deposit settlement

CM Contra

Allow user to do settlement event Financial year is lockedWMSSD-372
GRN related pagesWarning Message if Serial Number is GRN in the second timeMYSAMSUNG-122
E-commerceMaybank New Sentry Migration & Blooming FloristWMSSD-714
Homepage revision sectionAdd Tag number at RevisionWMSSD-983
PSI ReportMinimize Filter options - mouse pointer should be linkMYSAMSUNG-311
Tax Filing and transactionSplit DS to : "DS" and "DS-ISRV"WMSSD-54   
Finance -> Cashbook -> AdjustmentSadd new popup to inform it is successfully createdMYSAMSUNG-304
Customer Edit - Vehicle Edit

Removed ability to physically delete Vehicle.

Vehicle status can be set to 'Inactive' instead.

This enhancement will allow the affected Invoices to be shown on Service History report

Customer Edit - Add Vehicle, Edit VehicleIntroduce Vehicle Registration DateWMSSD-801
Edit Cash Sale/ InvoiceAllow Edit Mileage on Edit InvoiceWMSSD-850
Extended Modules > Workshop -> Jobsheet -> CreateCreate Job Sheet I need add in the "Purchase Non Stock Item" linkWMSSD-460
Footwear -> Reports -> Custom Report -> Auto-Generated Closing Report Add GST and Bad Debt amountsWMSSD-916
Membership importUse member card number as the unique key instead of using the nameWMSSD-1056
Create Stock TransferDisable save button if serial item has no serial numberWMSSD-1133



Affected ScreenPermissionIssue Number


Affected ScreenConfigurationIssue Number
Item Category FilterTrading -> Show Item Category From Item Search FilterWMSSD-359
Add/ Edit Item : UOM fieldInventory -> Default UOM nameWMSSD-941
Facebook LinkSystem -> Facebook Link at EMP HomepageWMSSD-1038
Internal Stock TransferAllow Stock Transfer ApprovalMYSAMSUNG-276



Affected ScreenDescriptionIssue Number
