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Menu PathTrading > Sales > Upload Cashsale


Basically the Cashsale creates documents with Receipts, the function is similar with upload invoice, ONLY difference is we are adding another row for payment information.


payment information is required for this Upload. 

The Mode of Payment (MOP) , you are required to create an identical row, with Item Code MOP and use same BRANCH_CODE, SALESMAN, INVOICE_DATE, REFERENCE. Refer to Excel Example

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Step 1: Click file link: 'Download Template File'

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  1. select source fields and add to target fields (The compulsory fields are pre-selected and can not be removed)
  2. default format is “comma” delimiter

Step 2: Fill in the data

NoField NameData TypeRemarksWhere to findSample Data
1BRANCH_CODEString with Maximum (50) CharactersCompulsoryControl Panel > Developer > Branch Maintenance > Branch Listing > Refer to "Branch Code"A Co.-B1
2CUSTOMER_CODEString with Maximum (150) CharactersCompulsoryRefer to system customer account PKID (auto-generated)PER-4748
3INVOICE_DATEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)Compulsory
4ITEM_CODEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory
6METHOD_OF_PAYMENTString with Maximum (150) CharactersCompulsory, CASH, CARD, CHEQUE, PD CHEQUE, COUPON, OTHER
7PAYMENT_AMOUNTFloating Point NumberCompulsory
8REFERENCEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory
9SALESMANString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory
10UNIT_PRICEFloating Point NumberCompulsory
11BATCH_NUMBERString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory if item is Batch Expiry Item

12CARD_NUMBERString with Maximum (20) CharactersCompulsory if Method Of Payment is CARD

13CHEQUE_NUMBERString with Maximum (30) CharactersCompulsory if Method Of Payment is CHEQUE / PD CHEQUE

14EXPIRY_DATEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)Compulsory if item is Batch Expiry Item

15ITEM_SERIALString with Maximum (0) CharactersCompulsory if item is serialized

16PAYMENT_MODEString with Maximum (30) CharactersCompulsory if Method Of Payment is CARD

17CARD_APPROVAL_CODEString with Maximum (50) Characters

18CARD_BATCHString with Maximum (20) Characters

19CARD_NAMEString with Maximum (100) Characters


Step 3: Save file, save as comma separated values (.csv) format

Step 4: Upload file

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Sample of Error Message 1:


Sample of Error Message 2:


  • If this situation happen, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case,correct the Date Format to yyyy-mm-dd
  • After edit the file, please repeat STEP 4

Sample of Error Message 3:


  • If this situation happen, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case, copy the data in excel file to new sheet
  • After edit the file, please repeat STEP 4
