Table of Contents | ||||
Go to the Sales Order menu, and click on the '+' button to Create a New Sales Order.
Sales Order - Main tab
You may key in the main details of the new document OR copy/Knock Off from other documents.
Tracking ID: An ID or code is assigned to the sales order to typically print on the shipping label.
Client Key: To display the client key, for EMP users
Client Value: To display the client value, for EMP users
Remarks: Add extra information to accounts, customers cards, or sales orders to communicate agreements, such as a special price or delivery method, to other users.
As you are creating a contract between your organization and a Customer for the supply of specified goods and/or services, a link is configured here between the sales order and the customer.
In order to proceed and start on Sales Order Applet, kindly make sure that you have created Customer details in the Customer Maintenance Applet.
Entity ID: Customer Code, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Name: Customer Name, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Status: Active or Inactive.Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Type: Corporate or Individual. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Identity Type: IC or Passport, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
ID Number: IC or Passport number, auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Currency: To determined based on the pricing condition what you are maintaining. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
GL Code: A number used to record business transactions in the general ledger. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Description: Additional notes. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Email: A central email through which customers want to communicate. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Phone Number: A central phone number through which customers want to communicate. Auto-filled when customer entity is selected.
Entity Details
All relevant information from the Customer master record will be copied from here to the sales order.
A bill to is the customer who pays for the sales order. It can be different than the sold-to customer. We need to
In order to proceed, kindly make sure the addresses are defined in the customer mainetance maintenance applet.
Based on the entity selected, the bill to details gets auto-filled and are editable.
Click on the billing address
Upon selecting the address, the billing address details get auto-filled and are editable.
When editing, you may tick the checkbox if you wish to update the customer address records for future retrievals.
A ship to is the customer who receives the specified goods and/or services in the sales order. It can be different than the sold-to customer. We need to
In order to proceed, kindly make sure the addresses are defined in the customer mainetance maintenance applet.
Based on the entity selected, the bill to details gets auto-filled and are editable.
Click on the shipping address
Upon selecting the address, the shipping address details get auto-filled and are editable.
When editing, you may tick the checkbox if you wish to update the customer address records for future retrievals.
Sales Order - Line Items tab
An individual transaction stated on a sales order is referred to as a line item. One case of product X and two cases of product Y, for example, would count as two line items on the same sales order.
In order to proceed, kindly make sure the items are defined in the doc item maintenance applet.
Click on the '+' button to Add a New Line Item.
Search Item from the list.
Select the item
Main Details
Upon selecting, key in the main details of the item
Item Code: Used to uniquely identify items that you carry in inventory
Item Name: It is the name given to an item, and it is usually unique to each item identifiable by its item code.
UOM: A unit of measure (UOM) is the smallest unit of measurement that can be used to package or assemble a product.
Pricing Scheme: In addition to the default price, a Pricing Scheme allows you to establish a range of standard prices for a product. This enables you to generate customized pricing for certain clients
Quantity Base: Physical quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other quantities.
Quantity UOM: Total number of items by defined UOM
UOM to Base Ratio: Ratio between UOM and the quantity base.
Unit Price by UOM (Inclusive of tax): When a product item's pricing is based on a different unit of measure than its inventory unit of measure, you might specify pricing by the unit of measure (UOM).
Unit Discount by UOM (inclusive of tax): Here we can specify discounts by the unit of measure (UOM).
Unit Price (Inclusive of tax): Quoted, agreed, or standard pricing for your products and services.
Unit Discount: Specifying quoted, agreed, or standard discounts for your products and services.
Discount Amount: Unit discount times quantity base (Auto calculated).
Standard (STD): Amount: Unit Price times quantity (Auto calculated).
Net Amount:: Standard Amount minus discount amount )Auto calculated)..
SST Code: Sales and service tax code, used to determine the tax amount
SST/GST/VAT: Tax amount based on the codes selected
Tax Amount: Total tax amount after specifying GST/SST/VAT codes.
Net Amount (SST/GST/VAT x Net amount): Total net tax amount
WHT Code: Withholding tax code, used to determine the tax amount
WHT: Withholding tax rate
WHT Amount: Withholding Tax amount based on the codes selected
Txn Amount: Transaction amount exclusive of discounts and taxes
Remarks: Add extra information to the line item. Communicate delivery methods or special prices to the users.
Note: You may Knock Off (KO) and/or Copy the item and quantity from existing docs. The KO configurations are done in the Organisation Applet > Company > Knock Off Config
Delivery Instructions
Delivery instructions: You can enter instructions for the delivery of an order and specify the delivery date requested by your customer.
Delivery message card: You can also prepare the delivery message card for the receiver.
Linking the line item to the following departments is optional and helps in reports
Segment: Segmentation at the item or hdr level
Dimension: Selecting dimension at the item or hdr level
Profit center: Selecting profit center at the item or hdr level
Project: Selecting project at the item or hdr level
Sales Order - Settlement tab
Transaction in which the sales order is fully or partially settled.
Click on the '+' button to Add a New Settlement
Select the Settlement method
Based on the settlement type, the user needs to key in the required fields. For settlement type 'Cash':
Click the 'Add' button to record the settlement against the sales order:
Once added, a new row will be created under the Settlement tab and the Total and Outstanding amounts will be updated accordingly. User may click on the Save button to record the changes.
Sales Order - Department Hdr tab
Linking the sales order to the following departments is optional and helps in reports:
Segment: Segmentation at the item or hdr level
Dimension: Selecting dimension at the item or hdr level
Profit center: Selecting profit center at the item or hdr level
Project: Selecting project at the item or hdr level
Edit Existing Sales Order
Sales Order - Main tab
Sales Order - Account tab
Go to the Sales Order menu, and click on the exiting sales order to Edit an existing Sales Order.
Sales Order - Delivery Details tab
The requested delivery information for the Products specified in the document, including multiple delivery dates (if applicable), location, and responsible person details.
Delivery Region Code: In order to apply different shipping rules and costs to different geographic locations
Delivery Logic: The mechanism of physical settlement, penalties for delivery default, and timelines for submitting delivery intents are all defined by delivery logic.
Delivery ID: A unique identifier for delivery.
Planned Delivery Date: It's the date when you are supposed to deliver things based on the order.
Estimate Delivery Date: It's the date when you are expected to delivery things based on the order.
Actual Delivery Date: It's the date when you are actually deiverying things based on the order.
Delivery PIC Name: It’s name of the delivery person in charge.
Delivery PIC Contact: It’s contact of the delivery person in charge.
Delivery Remarks: Additional notes/remarks for delivery.
Sales Order -
Sales Order - Department Hdr tab
Sales Order - Attachments tab
Sales Order - Export tab
Sales Order - Ecomsync tab
Sales Order - Status tab
Delivery Trips tab
Delivery trips report for the particular sales order is displayed here.
Trip No: A unique number generated and assigned to a scheduled trip.
Driver Name: ”Coach man” or "vehicle operator."
Vehicle No: A series of letters and numbers assigned to a vehicle, at the time of registration.
Job Start Date: The official date on which a person begins their delivery job.
Job End Date: The official date on which a person finishes their delivery job.
Delivery Status: If the delivery item was successfully delivered to the addressee.
Recipient Name: The person’s name that receives.
Sales Order - Attachments tab
Any Sales order can have one or more files attached to it for future records and references. For example Sales quotations, Screenshots, etc
Click on the '+' button to add a new Attachment
Click 'Upload file(s)' button or drag and drop file(s)
Click 'Add' button
A confirmation message will be displayed and a new attachment will be listed under Attachments tab
Sales Order - Export tab
The Document can be exported to PDF, CSV, DOCX, and ZIP files.
Go to the export tab
Click on the Export PDF, CSV, DOCX, or ZIP button.
Upon exporting the documents, the system will show a success message, and users will be able to view the file that has been downloaded to their device.
Sales Order - Ecomsync tab
To Manage Market place status, view document details, and get or view the document printables from different marketplaces.
Marketplace status tab - Change the status of the order for marketplace.
Detail tab - View the details of the marketplace order
Printable tab - Get or view all marketplace related document printables by clicking “Get Document(s)“
Sales Order - Status tab
In order to change the document status to delete, users will go to the status tab and click on the “Delete“ button
Line Item Menu
Line Items - Listing
Line Item - Details tab