Single Item refer to basic item. Users can create the item manually in Doc Item Maintenance applet or synced from EMP (if the user is currently using Wavelet EMP).
Wavelet EMP user
- The user need to create the basic item in their EMP and it will be synced back to the Doc Item Maintenance applet by ETL.
- Kindly ensure that the EMP item code = marketplace seller sku./parent skuNon-wavelet EMP user
- The user can create the basic item directly in the Doc Item Maintenance applet.
- Step to add basic item, refer guide Doc Item Maintenance applet:
i. Click on the '+' icon in the Items menu. Create item tab will be appeared.
ii. Fill up all the required information to create a basic item and click create once done .
Base UOM - Pcs/kg/gram/cm
Description - not compulsory
Currency - compulsory
iii. Once all required fields are fill up user can press on CREATE, so the item will be saved into database and
can be proceed to be edited.