Click on ‘+’ button to Create New Catalogue。
2.1 Create New Catalogue
Fill in catalogue’s details:
Catalogue Code: Allowed characters: Alphanumeric, hyphen (-) and underscore (_)
Catalogue Name: Mandatory
Catalogue Type: Mandatory. Public catalogues can be accessed by anyone; Private catalogues can only be accessed by users d. who are added into the catalogue
Applet Store: Mandatory. Which store to appear in. Currently there is only 1 store, the ‘Default Store’
Description: Description of the catalogue
Status: Mandatory.
Subscription Name: Under development
Subscription Type: Under development
When all mandatory fields are filled with no errors, the ‘Create’ button will be enabled Click on it to ‘Create New Catalogue’
2.2 Edit Catalogue
2.2.1 Details
Click on row from Catalogue Main Menu to edit selected catalogue
The selected catalogue details will be displayed
Edit catalogue’s details according to criteria
When fields are valid and changed, ‘Save’ button will be enabled
Click on it to save catalogue details.
To delete a catalogue, click the ‘Delete’ button at the bottom of the page.
2.2.2 Applet
Click on ‘+’ button to Add Applet.
All available Applets will be listed for selection.
Click on a row to select an Applet.
Fill in applet’s details:
Rank: Mandatory. Users who install this Applet will inherit this Rank. E.g, if Applet A has Rank Admin, all users who install this Applet will have the Admin rank when using this Applet
Tenant: Mandatory.
When all required fields are filled, ‘ADD’ button will be enabled
Click on it to ‘Add Applet To Catalogue’ with the desired Rank and Tenant.
Click on row from Edit Catalogue (Applet Tab) to edit selected applet.
The selected applet’s details will be displayed
Edit applet’s details according to criteria
When fields are valid and changed, ‘Save’ button will be enabled
Click on it to save applet’s details
To remove the selected applet from the catalogue, click on the ‘Delete’ button on the bottom of the page.
2.2.3 Plugin
Click on ‘+’ button to add plugins to the applet.
Select plugins from the list.
When selection is done, ‘Add’ button should be enabled. Click on it to add the plugin to the applet.
2.2.4 Approved Permissions
All Approved permissions for the selected applet in the catalogue will be displayed here.
2.2.5 Requested Permissions
All Requested permissions for the selected applet in the catalogue will be displayed here.
To request a new permission, click on the ‘+’ button.
Fill in Permission Template Request’s details:
Permission Code: Mandatory.
Permission Name: Name of the Permission template request hdr
Permission Type: In discussion with Vincent Lee
Status: Status will automatically be set to ‘DRAFT’. Programmers will use the Developer SysAdmin Applet to approve the template requests.
Description: Description of the permission request hdr.
2.2.6 Installed By Users
All users who have installed the applet will be displayed here.
The table has multi-select enabled, multiple users can be chosen to have the selected applet uninstalled for them.
Once users have been selected, click on the ‘Uninstall’ at the bottom of the page to uninstall the selected Applet for them.
2.2.7 Installed For Users
Click on ‘+’ from Edit Applet (Installed By User) to install the selected applet for users.
All users who are in the catalogue will be displayed
Multi-select has been enabled, multiple users can be selected to install the applets for them.
When done, click on the ‘Add’ button to install the applet for the users.
2.3 User
Click on ‘+’ button to add users into catalogue.
2.3.1 Add Users To Catalogue
Enter user’s email address, and click the ‘Verify Email’ button for system checking:
If email is a registered user, proceed to fill required fields
If email is not a registered user, an invitation can be sent to their email address for registration to
Fill in user details:
User email: Mandatory. User’s email address to be registered to
Rank: Mandatory. Rank of the Catalogue. E.g., Owner and Admin of the catalogue will be able to Edit, Update and Delete applets and users from the catalogue
Status: Mandatory
When done, click on the ‘Add’ button to add users to the catalogue.
2.4 Edit User
2.4.1 Details
Click on row from Edit Catalogue (User Tab) to edit user.
User details will be displayed.
Update user details according to criteria.
When fields are valid and changed, ‘Save’ button will be enabled:
Click on it to save user details
To remove a user from a catalogue, click on the ‘Delete’ button.
2.4.2 Installed Applets
Applets that has been installed by the user will be displayed here.
Multi-select has been enabled, multiple applets can be selected to be uninstalled for the selected user.
When done, click on the ‘Uninstall’ button at the bottom of the page to uninstall the applets for the selected user.
2.4.2 Installed For Users
Click on ‘+’ button from Edit User (Installed Applets) to install applets for selected user.
Applets in the catalogue will be displayed.
Multi-select has been enabled, multiple applets can be selected to be installed for the selected user.
When done, click on the ‘Add’ button to install the selected applets for the selected user.