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The menu items are configured in this module: You can see what are the menu items you want to display in your cp-commerce website by looking at this listing page.


Title: Name of Menu Item

Menu level: Hierarchy level of the menu (for example: My Profile with Level “1“ and Edit profile with level “2“ nested under My Profile would mean that My Profile > Edit Profile )

Linked: The link type of the menu which controls what will happen when a user would click on this menu item in the cp-commerce website

To Create:


Title: Name of Menu Item

Link Type: The link type of the menu which controls what will happen when a user would click on this menu item in the cp-commerce website. Currently supports:

  • Page: a static page which needs to be created under the Page Module and then linked

  • Product:

  • Product Category:

  • Content Category:

  • External Link: a link to an external website or a feature page built within cp-commerce.

Link: Changes based on what Link Type is chosen. This field specifies what action will happen when user clicks on the menu item.

Status: To indicate whether the menu is active or not

Redirect Type: Whether after clicking the menu item it should open on a new tab or in the same one.

Nest Menu Item: To indicate whether the menu item will be a child of another menu item

If it is clicked -> Parent Menu: Select the parent from the created menu items.