ASSIGN_WORKER: used to update assignments to “AGENT” or “TEAM”
COMPLETE: complete tasks
CANCEL: cancel tasks
UNASSIGN: used to update assignments to “UNASSIGN”
... Bulk Actions: ASSIGN_WORKER
After selecting the ASSIGN_WORKER option from dropdown the WORKER_TYPE field will be displayed where “AGENT” or “TEAM” can be selected as shown below
Afterwards the suitable “AGENT” or “TEAM” can be selected from the available list as shown below
1.1.3 All Task Queue -> Edit page
This page allows “task details” and “task status” and “task assignment” to be updated.
“Task Status” and “Task Assignment” can be updating updated by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below:
1.2 Team Task Queue
1.2.1 Team Task Queue -> Listing page
This listing page is where members of a Team can view all tasks assigned to a particular team. The available details in the list include:
Task Code: brief task description
Team Code: Team Task is assigned to. (The task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time)
Channel: WhatsApp/ Email/ SMS/ Telegram Messenger/Voice-Call task
Description: task description in more detail
Priority: Priority (1-10) of task
Create Date: Created date of task
Update Date: Updated date of task
1.2.2 Team Task Queue -> Listing Bulk Actions
If the Tick boxes in the all task queue listing component are selected it will activate the Bulk actions. The available actions in the listing component are:
ASSIGN_TO_ME: used to update assignments to the user
UNASSIGN: used to update assignments to “UNASSIGN”
1.2.3 Team Task Queue -> Edit page
This page allows “task assignment” to be updated. “Task Assignment” can be updated by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below:
1.3 My Task Queue
1.3.1 My Task Queue -> Listing page
This listing page is where members of a Team can view all tasks assigned to a particular team. The available details in the list include:
Task Code: brief task description
Team Code: Team Task is assigned to. (The task can be assigned to one team or agent at a time)
Channel: WhatsApp/ Email/ SMS/ Telegram Messenger/Voice-Call task
Description: task description in more detail
Priority: Priority (1-10) of task
Create Date: Created date of task
Update Date: Updated date of task
1.3.2 My Task Queue -> Listing Bulk Actions
If the Tick boxes in the all task queue listing component are selected it will activate the Bulk actions. The available actions in the listing component are:
IN-PROGRESS: task status changed to in progress
COMPLETED: task status changed to completed
CANCELED: task status changed to is canceled
UNASSIGNED: task status changed to unassigned
1.3.3 My Task Queue -> Edit page
“Task Status” and “Task Assignment” can be updated by clicking the “TASK ACTIONS” dropdown shown in the image below: