Model: Cherry TC 1100
To test the device is working or not. This software can be skipped. Cherry diagnostic tool and manual user guide can be downloaded from this link : https://cherry.de/download/int/download.php
Model: Admire RFiD Smart Card Reader
Model: ACS ACR38
Please make sure the java is uninstalled before proceeding to the next step. (Optional)
Uninstall java:
Go to windows setting
Click on the Apps
Type in java in the search space
Uninstall all program listed.
1.Installing Java
Install latest java 64-bit https://www.java.com/en/download/ or download from here https://barcode-software.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/jdk-8u231-windows-x64.exe
Double click on the exe file downloaded.
Click Install. Wait until the installation is done.
Check for the java version
Search for cmd in windows search bar.
Type java -version. Make sure the java version 1.8 is used.
2.Download: https://barcode-software.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/v1.0.3.zip
Extract the file and moved the extracted folder to the desktop.
Double click on run default. You will have a cmd window opening. **This step needs to be done every time the PC is restarted or closed. Do not close this window. IF accidentally close please run the run default again.
3.Setup in POS General Applet
Go to applet settings > POS settings > Enable Read MyKad