Section 1.0 : Twilio Account Creation
1.1 Project manager to request Twilio Admin User to create a new account in Twilio console for the client company. https://www.twilio.com/console/projects/summary
Section 2.0: Twilio - Provide administrator access to client admin user
2.1 Project manager to provide the client user an admin access to access into the console for billing matters and WhatsApp related services.
The project manager will give admin permission to this user email in the Twilio console. This admin user will then need to login to Twilio console and set up the payment details for Twilio WhatsApp service.
Section 3.0: To add the internal finance group email finance-group@wavelet.net in the console
3.1 Please go to the Billing > Manage Billing > Preferences.
3.2 Under the “Notification” menu, please enter the finance-group@wavelet.net as the primary billing email address. Of course, you may add more email addresses for billing purpose if required. Then, check the boxes for invoice PDF, Invoice CSV supplement, and Payment receipts. After that, click “Save” to save the billing preferences.
Section 4.0: Twilio - Regulatory Bundle Application
4.1 Project manager to request the required business documents from client PIC to proceed with Twilio Regulatory Bundle Application. https://www.twilio.com/guidelines/my/regulatory
4.2 The project manager will proceed with the regulatory compliance bundle application as shown below in the console after the documents are submitted by the client.
Section 5.0: Send a manual email request to Twilio for Malaysian phone number request after the section 2.0 and 3.0 is done
5.1 After the regulatory bundle is approved, the project manager will need to send a manual email request to support@twilio.com in order to request for a number.
Email example for your reference:
Dear Twilio Support,
We would like to request one Malaysian mobile number with SMS capabilities because this request cannot be done via the console, hence the manual request.
Please find the information below to proceed with the request.
Account Name: ABCDE Sdn Bhd
Account SID: ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Address SID: ASxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bundle SID: BUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you.
5.2 For the Account, Address and Bundle SID, you can find them by referring to the screenshot below.
5.4 Project manager needs to notify Lina (UCC technical programmer) on the provided number so that Lina can proceed with the integration.
Section 6.0: Sign up to request access for Whatsapp enabled Sender in the Twilio Console
6.1 The project manager will submit the access request on behalf of the client, to [Whatsapp enabled senders] in the Twilio Console.
6.4 Once the WhatsApp Sender is approved, the project manager can confirm with the client admin on the details and submit the sender for the first time. Project manager is to guide client PIC to add or edit the sender, so that the client admin can always update the sender themselves in the future, from time to time.
Section 7.0: PM to guide client admin user to submit the template message and update the Whatsapp Sender in the Twilio Console
7.1 Once the mobile number is successfully requested and integrated with UCC in http://akaun.com , the project manager will guide the user to submit the template message and update the Whatsapp Sender in the Twilio Console.