Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Sample json data of PO INDEX is available here

A sample of complete PO json data to create PO is available here

    "mPkid": 1829,
    "mGuid": "",
    "mIndexGuid": "",
    "mPurchaseOrderId": 1228,
    "mPurchaseItemId": 0,
    "mRemarks": "",
    "mTotalQty": 2,
    "mCurrency": "MYR",
    "mUnitPriceRecommended": 500,
    "mUnitPriceQuoted": 405,
    "mStatus": "active",
    "mPurchaseItemType": "inv",
    "mItemId": 1007,
    "mStkCode": "ATL4251320K",
    "mBarCode": "",
    "mSerialized": true,
    "mName": "1/2\"x3/8\"x16TPI T-SLOT MACHINE CLAMP SET",
    "mOutstandingQty": 0,
    "mPriceList": 0,
    "mPriceSale": 0,
    "mPriceDisc1": 0,
    "mPriceDisc2": 0,
    "mPriceDisc3": 0,
    "mPriceMin": 0,
    "mFifoUnitCost": 0,
    "mMaUnitCost": 0,
    "mWaUnitCost": 0,
    "mLastUnitCost": 0,
    "mReplacementCost": 0,
    "mReceivingPrice": 450,
    "mReceivingStatus": "",
    "mReceivingQty": 2,
    "mReceivingRemarks": "",
    "colSerial": [],
    "colSerialObj": [],
    "mDescription1": "",
    "mDescription2": "",
    "mUnitPriceQuoted3": 0,
    "mImage": 0,
    "whtTaxType": "",
    "whtTaxCode": "",
    "whtTaxRate": 0,
    "whtTaxAmount": 0,
    "whtTaxBalance": 0,
    "whtFilingDate": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
    "whtFilingCycle": "",
    "vecSerialNumberDelta": [],
    "mBomId": 0,
    "mPackageGroup": "",
    "mCurrency2": "",
    "mUnitPriceQuoted2": 0,
    "mStockReqId": 0,
    "taxCode": "",
    "taxType": "",
    "taxRate": 0,
    "taxAmt": 0,
    "taxAmt2": 0,
    "mUnitPriceRecommended2": 0,
    "taxOption": "",
    "uom": "EA",
    "uomRatio": 0,
    "date_expected_delivery": "Nov 16, 2013 12:00:00 AM",
    "codeProject": "",
    "codeDepartment": "",
    "vecLabels": [],
    "label_id": 0,
    "remoteStatus": "",
    "unitDiscount": 0,
    "unitDiscount2": 0,
    "vecDiscountElement": []