Report Code Report Name Step By Step Guide Description / Usage / Benefits
CI-01 Sales Report By Customer Code1. Set Branch or All Branches.
2. Enter Date Range - To and From.
3. Customer Code Range - Customer Code can be obtained from Customer Listing. Or leave it blank to view all Customer Codes.
In this report, Customer Code means the Property 1-5 in Create Customer Account. Basically, this report categorizes customers based on the Geographical Area entered when creating the Customer Account. It summarizes the Sales, Sales Return and CM into one lump sum for each area.
CI-02  Sales Summary By Customer (Summary)1. Set Branch or All Branches.
2. Enter Date Range - To and From.
3. Click 'Generate Report Now'.
Almost similar to Sales Report by Customer Code, except that it lists down ALL the customers individually. This report is useful for checking how regular the customer is to your business. The higher the Net Sales, the more loyal the customer is. Apart from the value of sales and sales return, this report also shows the Count - number of invoices and sales.
  • Invoice - Sales Return = Net Sales
CI-03 Detailed Sales Records By Customer Check out Detailed Transaction Records.This report allow users to generate the detailed transactions for specific customers. With this report, users will be able to see exactly how much gross profit has been generated from each customer from the transaction history. Primarily, it includes Invoice, Sales Return and Credit Memo. 
  • Filters :
    • Salesman - Choose a salesman name to view only his / her customer records.
    • Customer From / To - To view customers from one PKID to another, like a customer code range.
    • Display Format - Default, Group by Salesman (Details), Group by Salesman (Summary 1), Group by Salesman (Summary 2). Each of these formats differentiates between the columns and how it's displayed.
  • Columns :
    • Standard Price - List Price in Add Item.
    • Discount
    • GP% = GP / Standard Price x 100%


titleCI-03 Detailed Transaction Records by Customer


This report is a heavy intensity report, therefore it is recommended to generate small range of data, if you wish to generate for all customer please generate in off peak hours to avoid server to hang. 

titleCI-04 Sales Report by Customer Code

titleCI-05 Sales Summary Report by Daily, Weekly, Monthly by Customer Code

This report is similar to CI-04 with the addition with Sales Quantity, and it will also give the breakdown of by months alongside the total.  This report will help you have a detail breakdown on the sales of the company by customer and plot trends. 

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Branch - To select branch for the company you want. 

Date - Can filter by Day, Week, Month

Group by - Branch or combined (when selecting multiple branches)

The report below showing the cummulative and then the breakdown by each month, each month combined will be the total value in the first half of the report. 

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