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Drop down list is a function to allow user to add customized options to certain drop down list* in the system, e.g. customer category, title, poison usage etc.

To add new item into drop down list, navigate  to Control Panel > System Admin > Drop Down List > Drop Down List Configuration.

Image Added

CategoryDefinite drop down list to add child itemcustomer_category
Sort CodeSystem sorting mechanism(based on alphanumeric format)1001,1002, 1003 .... N
CodeShort code for the itemDDL1
ContentName for the itemDrop Down List 1
DescriptionAdditional description for the itemDrop down list 1 for customer category
Pricing SchemeIf the items involved in transaction pricing, then this option will auto load the pricing selectedList Price
Display StyleLine color to be displayed when the option is linked to this option(As chosen)
Is DefaultTo make this item as default for the drop down list option related(As applicable)