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A sales return is merchandise sent back by a buyer to the seller, usually for one of the following reasons: Excess quantity shipped, Excess quantity ordered, Defective goods. Credits decrease asset and expense accounts, and increase revenue, liability and shareholders' equity accounts.


Menu PathTrading > Sales > Upload Sales Return

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  1. This are the navigation path that user will have to go through to get access into the Upload Sales Return on EMP.

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2. Once user have accessed into the respective page, the user will have to click on the "Download Template File" to open and fill in relevant details of their preference.

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3. Once user have clicked on download template file, the screen will prompt user on an options for relevant "fields" that user wants to include on their .csv template file.

  • Please take note that the Source Fields (1) are those fields that user can add into or remove from the Target Fields.
  • Whereas those Target Fields that are in the red highlighted box are those compulsory fields that user will have to key in values for and are not entitled to be removed.
  • Check on the image below for further overview on compulsory fields.

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4. Once downloaded the template file, user can open the .csv template file and are supposed to key in all relevant information needed.

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5. Finally user may choose their respective file to be uploaded. Please take note that user will have to choose the appropriate Delimiter as well.


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Step 1: Click file link: 'Download Template File'

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  1. select source fields and add to target fields (The compulsory fields are pre-selected and can not be removed)
  2. default format is “comma” delimiter

Step 2: Fill in the data

NoField NameData TypeRemarksWhere to FIndSample Data
1BRANCH_CODEString with Maximum (50) CharactersCompulsoryControl Panel > Developer > Branch Maintenance > Branch Listing > Refer to "Branch Code"A Co.-B1
2CONTRA_INVOICEBooleanCompulsory, true or false without the quotes, case insensitive
3CUSTOMER_IDIntegerCompulsoryCustomer > Maintenance > Customer > Account PKID 1006
4ITEM_CODEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsoryInventory > Item > Item ListingITEM A
5ITEM_QTYFloating Point NumberCompulsory
6REFERENCEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory
7REFUND_TYPEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory, Credit Memo, Cash, Credit Card, Cheque, PD Cheque, Coupon, OtherContra (Case Sensitive)
Credit Memo
8SALESMANString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory
9SALES_RETURN_DATEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)Compulsory
10TAX_CODEString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory, for GST (SR, ZRL, ZRE, DS, OS, ES, AJS,......)
11UNIT_PRICEFloating Point NumberCompulsory
12BATCH_NUMBERString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsory if item is Batch Expiry Item

13EXPIRY_DATEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)Compulsory if item is Batch Expiry Item

14INVOICE_IDIntegerCompulsory if CONTRA_INVOICE is set to true

15ITEM_SERIALString with Maximum (0) CharactersCompulsory if item is serialized

16GL_DIMENSION_CODEString with Maximum (50) Characters


18ITEM_NAMEString with Maximum (1000) Characters

19ITEM_REMARKSString with Maximum (3000) Characters

20REMARKSString with Maximum (300) Characters


22TAX_AMTFloating Point Number

23UNIT_DISCOUNTFloating Point Number

Note: The amount recorded will follow Output tax GST configuration, if the configuration is set as inclusive, the Amount recorded will be inclusive of GST

Excel sample: 

  • Normal Item Type (Inventory)

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  • Serialized Item Type

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  • Batch and Expiry Item Type

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Step 3: Save file, save as comma separated values (.csv) format

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Step 4: Upload file

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Sample of Error Message:

  • If the file is not sucessfully uploaded, please refer to the column with RED color Font
  • Please move the cursor to the RED color Font to see the Error Message

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  • If this situation happen, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case, add the TAX_CODE column into the file
  • After editing the file, please repeat STEP 4


  • Refer to Sales Return Listing on the sucessfully uploaded Sales Return
  • Only Credit Memo refund that type which is not auto create Payment Voucher

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