Issue Number | Affected Screen | Enhancement required | Programmer |
WMSSD-414 | Developer -> Special Utilities -> Data Fix -> Missing Journal Entry | Developer -> Special Utilities -> Data Fix -> Missing Journal Entry -> Add for Payment Voucher | Norizan |
MYSAMSUNG-212 | CI - 03 (printable page 3) | Steven Tele: CI - 03 Detailed Transaction Records By Customer: group the report by customer name, order by item name | Yong Kiat |
WMSSD-1304 | Footwear Module > Create Invoice | BATA : Rounding setting already set to 2 decimal places but in footware module, it is still taking 4 decimals | Rayhan |
WMSSD-916 | Auto Closing Report | Made changes to rename commisionable GL and add two more GL for selection. Also Display the GST tax amount | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-1270 | Jobsheet | Please fix the following field and parameter as discussed. | Norizan |
WMSSD-1193 | Manager Reports | Remove SR-16 report from Managers Report list | Rayhan |
WMSSD-601 | Workshop -> Edit Jobsheet -> Payment | Add button to remove trade in payment | Norizan |
WMSSD-996 | Customer Billing Statement | add foreign currency value is exist at the remarks | Norizan |
WMSSD-303 | Open Payment Voucher, Create Payment Voucher, Receipt Voucher | Add 3 new Cashbook Permissions for Open Payment Voucher, Create Payment Voucher, Receipt Voucher | Norizan |
WMSSD-1039 | Workshop -> Daily Sales Report | If user select All Customer Type -> The report should be group by the customer type and shows sum of each customer type | Norizan |
MYSAMSUNG-370 | SR-19 to SR-22 | SR-19 to SR-22 make dealer list dynamic same as SR-17, 18 | Kasra, Norizan, Zakaria |
WMSSD-681 | FSCS and Create invoice item search | Request to have permission to hide price list when search item in FSCS and Invoice | Kasra |
MYSAMSUNG-210 | Upload PO | Request to edit PO by using upload function | Kasra |
MYSAMSUNG-279 | SSR-03 | Improve the report generation time - Currently it's taking more than 1 hour to generate | Kasra |
WMSSD-1322 | PO DETAILED LISTING | Add ALL option in PO status when generate report | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-1098 | Edit Service Note | Allow edit remarks for resolution | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-751 | Machines GST printables | Create 3 new parameters to show GST summary that includes the tax code, total amount, and total tax | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-432 | Accounting -> Budget -> Create budget | Accounting -> Budget -> Create budget -> can allow to set budget for gl category | Joshua |
MYSAMSUNG-432 | Webservice | A new Syncing mechanism with Webservice MTOM call | Kasra |
WMSSD-602 | Cashbook | LIMTAYAR :: If user used coupon function, the reference will appear at Query cashbook transaction. | Joshua |
WMSSD-1279 | Cash Sales | Siang Electric: Customization to support for easy selection of S-Guard (extended warranty) | Norizan |
WMSSD-798 | Invoice, SO | NSE:GL Dimension on Item - Customer Invoice (Create, Edit), Sales Order (Create, Edit), Sales Order to Invoice Conversion | Ida |
WMSSD-764 | BOM | Create / Edit Bill of Materials : Request to have permission to control user from change parent and child List Price | Norizan |
MYSAMSUNG-224 | Edit po | PO edit upon conversion | Kasra |
WMSSD-916 | Footwear -> Reports -> Custom Report -> Auto-Generated Closing Report | Auto-Generated Closing Report : Minor changes | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-1393 | Item Upload | Item upload was not taking more than 20 characters for category. Now extended to 100 characters. | Rayhan |
WMSSD-1363 | Stock Take | Changed the stock take function to generate stock variance report by location instead of branch | Rayhan |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Summary | Programmer |
WMSSD-1324 | Main page | Change color of link and add support mailto | Sami |
WMSSD-274 | Supplier Listing | Change from Type to Catagory | Sami |
WMSSD-1154 | Back End | Modify Tax Type of "FR" | Sami |