Issue Number | Affected Screen | Enhancement required | Programmer |
WMSSD-414 | Developer -> Special Utilities -> Data Fix -> Missing Journal Entry | Developer -> Special Utilities -> Data Fix -> Missing Journal Entry -> Add for Payment Voucher | Norizan |
MYSAMSUNG-212 | CI - 03 (printable page 3) | Steven Tele: CI - 03 Detailed Transaction Records By Customer: group the report by customer name, order by item name | Yong Kiat |
WMSSD-1304 | Footwear Module > Create Invoice | BATA : Rounding setting already set to 2 decimal places but in footware module, it is still taking 4 decimals | Rayhan |
WMSSD-916 | Auto Closing Report | Made changes to rename commisionable GL and add two more GL for selection. Also Display the GST tax amount | Siti Norhidayah |
WMSSD-1270 | Jobsheet | Please fix the following field and parameter as discussed. | Norizan |
WMSSD-1193 | Manager Reports | Remove SR-16 report from Managers Report list | Rayhan |
WMSSD-601 | Workshop -> Edit Jobsheet -> Payment | Add button to remove trade in payment | Norizan |
WMSSD-996 | Customer Billing Statement | add foreign currency value is exist at the remarks | Norizan |
WMSSD-303 | Open Payment Voucher, Create Payment Voucher, Receipt Voucher | Add 3 new Cashbook Permissions for Open Payment Voucher, Create Payment Voucher, Receipt Voucher | Norizan |
Issue Number | Affected Screen | Summary | Programmer |
WMSSD-1324 | Main page | Change color of link and add support mailto | Sami |