Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Follow these steps to change the format: (The following instructions uses the OpenOffice Calc application)
1. Go to File -> Open. Select the Item Listing file exported from Wavelet Management Portal. Click on the Open button to open the file
2. You will see the window below. Make sure the Tab checkbox is "checked" and the Text delimited field is empty. Click on column header as shown below to select first column.

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3. Follow instructions in the diagram below to show the last column.Image Removed

4. Follow instructions as shown below to select all columns.Image Removed

5. Follow the instructions as shown below to change the format of all columns into "Text.Image Removed

6. Notice that all columns are now properly formatted to "Text".

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7. The following steps are meant to copy the item codes ("Code") and bar codes ("EanCode") from the Item List file formatted above (Steps 1 - 6) into the StockTakeImportData.xls file.


In order to import the StockTakeImportData.xls Excel file, Mobile POS will need the data to be entered in the following format:Image Removed

Format Specifications:

Row 1 - Compulsory fields -> Must have value or else the record will not go into Device.
Cell 1A Stock Code -> Item code maximum number of characters is 30, so far the data in EMP seems ok
Cell 1B BarCode [Default to '0000'] -> Every item from EMP must have an EanCode else the record will not go in
Cell 1C Category [Default to 'N']
Cell 1D Description [Default to 'N'] -> Data in EMP Description could be too long, do not use. Just default it to 'N'
Cell 1E Location 1(Qty) [Default to 1] -> Currently no location by quantity info on Item Listing Just default it to 1
Cell 1F Location 2(Qty) [Default to 1] -> Currently no location by quantity info on Item Listing Just default it to 1
Cell 1G Location 3(Qty) [Default to 1] -> Currently no location by quantity info on Item Listing Just default it to 1


11. Left click on the cell below the "Code" column name to select the first row.Image Removed

12. Go to the last row of column "Code" as shown below.Image Removed

13. Select all the rows in "Code" column by Pressing the "Shift key and Left Mouse Click at the same time as shown below.Image Removed

14.Copy all the rows of column "Code" except for the column name.Image Removed

15. Go to the StockTakeImportData.xls file.Select the first row of the "Stock Code" column.

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16. Paste the "Code" data from the Item List file exported from Wavelet Management Portal into "Stock Code" column of the StockTakeImportData.xls file.Image Removed

17. Repeat steps 11 to 16 for "EanCode" to copy the data in "EanCode" column from the formatted Item List file produced from steps 1- 6 into the "Barcode" column in the StockTakeImportData.xls file.


19. "Copy" the default value for Category, Description, Location1, Location2, Location3 as shown below.

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20. Paste the default values into the other rows using "Edit" menu -> "Paste".

21. The other rows now have default values as shown below.Image Removed

22. The StockTakeImportData.xls file is now ready and properly formatted for import into the Mobile POS Software.
You may save the file with the naming format of StockTakeImportData_<yyyymmdd>xls. (For Example: StockTakeImportData_20110201.xls)