Menu PathDistribution > Order Taking > Upload Sales Order


The sales order, sometimes abbreviated as SO, is an order issued by a business or sole trader to a customer. A sales order may be for products and/or services. 

  • Image above shows the main interface that can be monitored on EMP system
  • Click on Upload Sales Order Template to download the template file


  1. Tick Option:
     a. The tick option To Show Customer Field are now has been added to show more fields
     b. The purpose of this function is to create new customer when using upload sales order
     c. Choose File (Detailed steps of creating the upload file user may refer to Upload Item Code)

  2. Delivery Date Column:
    a. This column has been added into the Source Field as shown in the image above
    b. This is to allow customer to set the delivery date during we make for sales order upload
    c. The delivery date can be edited on Edit Sales Order function. Refer to the example below:
